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Maps Related to the Missouri River Recovery Program

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 Story Maps Website

The Missouri River Recovery Program has moved to a Story Maps viewer that shows map boundaries and a photo for each MRRP site.  

If you have questions about how to use the site, or have compatibility issues when using the Internet Explorer browser, please refer to the help instructions.


 Aerial Map Books
 Other Maps

MRRP Sites

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 About MRRP Sites

The MRRP sites are spread out across a wide geographic area.

  • Use this page to navigate to the site-specific information; you may use any of the lists below.
  • An MRRP site can be in one of several different phases of development: planning, construction or operations and maintenance. Therefore, not all properties may currently contain completed construction features.
  • If you are interested in how the MRRP acquired land, please go to the BSNP Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Project page for details.

The web team is in the process of creating fact sheets for each of 74 sites.  Please check back later or contact the MRRP webmaster if you are looking for information on a particular site.

     TARGET SHOOTING and CAMPING are PROHIBITED on Corps' fee-owned sites!

    Target shooting and camping are PROHIBITED on sites that are fee-owned by the Corps, even if the land is managed by state entities.

    • Please check the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 36 Part 327, for more detail.
    • Please check information on individual sites from this page to see which regulations apply to that specific site. 
    • For information on Corps sites where camping is allowed, please visit Recreation.gov.

    MRRP Sites by State

    A site located in multiple states will be listed in each state in which it is located.