US Army Corps of Engineers
Omaha District Website

US Highway 275 News

Notice of Availability of Draft EIS and Public Meeting for U.S. Highway 275 West Point to Scribner
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, Nebraska Regulatory Office will initiate a 45-day public comment period and hold a public meeting for the U.S. Highway 275 (US-275) West Point to...
USACE to hold public meeting on U.S. 275 Environmental Impact Statement
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Omaha District will hold a public scoping meeting for the U.S. Highway 275 (US-275) West Point to Scribner Expressway Project Environmental Impact Statement...

Environmental Impact Statement - US Highway 275

Project Summary

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for U.S. Highway 275 (US-275) West Point to Scribner Project (project) sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT).

NDOT proposes to expand US-275 from a two-lane highway to a four-lane expressway along an approximately 20-mile segment from northwest of West Point to southeast of Scribner, including a bypass around Scribner (Scribner Bypass), in Cuming and Dodge Counties, Nebraska.  The necessity for the expansion of this portion of US-275 arises from legislation, lack of connectivity between urban centers, and high average daily traffic use.

NDOT Stated Project Purpose

  • Advance the Scribner to West Point segment of the Norfolk to Fremont Expressway

  • Maximize utilization of existing transportation infrastructure and right-of-way, including connecting highways (N-9, N-32, and N-91)

  • Improve the safety and reliability of the roadway

  • Provide a more efficient roadway that improves regional connectivity for the traveling public, including commercial traffic, in northeast Nebraska

  • Fulfill the Nebraska Legislature mandates contained in Legislative Bill (LB) 632 and LB 84.

Corps Overall Project Purpose

To safely and efficiently improve regional connectivity between Scribner and West Point for existing and future traffic volumes while also improving connectivity to Highways N-9, N-32, and N-91; and where applicable would not be injurious to the public interest and would not impair the usefulness of the Scribner - Pebble Creek Left Bank and Elkhorn River Right Bank federal levees.


The project construction is expected to impact jurisdictional waters of the United States, thereby requiring a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit.  Additionally, NDOT is proposing to build segments of the Scribner Bypass on an existing federally authorized levee, which would require a Section 408 authorization.  The project may also affect Natural Resources Conservation Service Wetland Reserve Program easements.  Due to these requirements, the Corps has determined that an EIS is necessary for the project, and the provisions of Executive Order 13807 (“One Federal Decision”) apply.

One Federal Decision

Executive Order 13807 (“One Federal Decision” [OFD]) applies to the project because it is a “major infrastructure project” that requires multiple authorizations by Federal agencies and preparation of an EIS, and NDOT has made a showing that it has funds available to complete the project.

OFD is intended to streamline federal permitting processes, including environmental reviews and authorization decisions, for major infrastructure projects.  As such, the Corps has identified Cooperating Agencies whose authorization is required for the project, and is coordinating with them to complete the EIS.

US-275 West Point to Scribner EIS Information Date
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS (Federal Register)  10/31/2018
Public Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS (District Public Notice) 10/31/2018
Public Scoping Period 11/30/2018
Public Scoping Meeting materials provided -
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Public Notice of Available Draft EIS 12/13/2019
Federal Register Draft EIS Notice of Availability 12/13/2019
Press Release of Available Draft EIS 12/13/2019
Draft EIS 12/13/2019
Section 404 Public Notice 12/13/2019

Draft EIS Public Meeting
USACE US-275 Public Meeting Agenda
USACE US-275 Public Meeting Presentation
USACE US-275 Public Meeting Posters
USACE US-275 Public Meeting Handout
USACE US-275 Draft EIS Comment Form 

Public Comments Due 1/27/2020