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MRRIC Work Groups

MRRIC has two types of work groups:

MRRIC Standing Work Groups:  The Committee has established standing Work Groups which are indispensable for carrying out MRRIC's work. They allow Committee members to better understand the actions at hand. 

  • Groups work directly with the agencies to discuss key issues and develop recommendations to the MRRIC group at large on how the Missouri River Recovery Program can be as effective as possible while ensuring public values are incorporated into management actions.
  • They meet by facilitated conference calls and occasional in-person meetings.

MRRIC Ad Hoc Groups: The Committee has also established Ad Hoc Work Groups. These groups are formed to address a specific issue; upon completion of their work, the ad hoc work group may disband.

Each of the specific groups are listed below.  Please see the MRRIC Annual Reports for details of what each group has worked for a particular year.   

MRRIC Standing Work Groups

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 Agenda Work Group

Purpose: Collaborates with the Committee's Chair in developing the agenda for each MRRIC meeting.


  • The work group has rotating membership and does not exceed seven stakeholder, Tribal, and state members selected by the Chair to ensure balanced representation.
  • Membership rotates so that no one serves on this Work Group for more than two consecutive meetings.
 Bird Work Group


  • Understand the science and technical issues that relate to the piping plover and closely monitor activities underway intended to achieve the bird objectives presented in the Environmental Impact Statement and Adaptive Management Plan.
  • Understand what actions are being implemented for the birds, monitoring methods and results, the status of hypotheses related to the birds, and how the models work and the implications of updated model results.
  • Keep MRRIC informed of the Bird Team deliberations, provide an opportunity for MRRIC to discuss Missouri River Recovery Program activities, and develop recommendations for MRRIC’s consideration.
 Communications Work Group


  • Develop the Committee’s communication materials, including media press kits, post-plenary meeting press releases and materials, and MRRIC Annual Reports.
  • Facilitate the Committee’s annual self-assessment process, and support communication among MRRIC members, agencies, and constituents.
 Fish Work Group


  • Understand the science and technical issues that relate to the pallid sturgeon and track progress toward fish objectives presented in the Environmental Impact Statement and Adaptive Management Plan.
  • Work with agency staff to review actions being implemented for the fish, including research and monitoring methods and results, status of hypotheses related to fish, how the models work, and implications of updated model results.
  • Provide information on program activities and insights based on science findings to the full MRRIC for their discussion, and draft recommendations for MRRIC’s consideration.
 Human Considerations Work Group


  • Understand the technical aspects of Adaptive Management that relate to human uses of the Missouri River.
  • Understand how Human Considerations are being accounted for in Adaptive Management.
  • Understand the hydrologic, hydraulic, economic, or other models used to predict effects to Human Considerations.
  • Keep MRRIC informed of the Human Considerations Work Group deliberations, provide an opportunity for MRRIC to discuss program activities, and develop recommendations for MRRIC’s consideration.
 Tribal Interests Work Group

Purpose: Increase Tribal participation in MRRIC, provide information and advice on Tribal-related issues, and incorporate Tribal concerns into the work of MRRIC.


  • Tribes constitute an important membership category of MRRIC, with 29 Tribes named in the Charter as eligible for Committee membership.
  • Given the Tribes' unique perspectives and status as sovereign nations, it is essential for the successful functioning of MRRIC that other members learn about and gain an understanding of Tribal concerns and interests. It is equally important that those concerns and interests are incorporated into the activities and work products of the Committee.
  • Since its formation, the work group continues its work to increase Tribal participation in MRRIC.

MRRIC Ad Hoc Groups

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 Adaptive Management Governance Planning Ad Hoc Group
Purpose: Build on MRRIC’s Adaptive Management Governance recommendation from November 2016 to discuss the governance aspects of the Adaptive Management Plan and develop recommendations regarding how MRRIC should engage in efforts to implement the Adaptive Management Plan.
 Membership, Process, and Procedures Ad Hoc Group


  • Address processes and procedures related to the operations of MRRIC.
  • Assist the lead agencies (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) with aspects of stakeholder membership on MRRIC.
 Plover Habitat Ad Hoc Group


  • Explore methods to identify potential alternative piping plover habitat sites.
  • Prioritize, fund, and track alternative piping plover habitat to assist in addressing piping plover recovery needs and to ultimately determine if alternative habitat types can be integrated into the Missouri River Recovery Program efforts.