Hydrologic Engineering Expertise

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Expand List item 2153Collapse List item 2153  Sedimentation and Channel Stabilization
Hydraulic/Civil Engineers, Geologist, Engineering Technicians and Student Trainees with more than 80 years of combined experience in the fields of sedimentation, channel stabilization, navigation, field data collection and environmental restoration projects.
Expand List item 2154Collapse List item 2154  Flood Risk and Floodplain Management
The District team provides floodplain management information, technical service and planning guidance on flooding and floodplain issues providing complete, accurate and timely information on these issues.  Their extensive capabilities include hydraulic modeling, nonstructural flood mitigation assessments and acute knowledge of the National Flood Insurance Program to provide city, county, regional, and state entities with expert advice on all facets of flood risk reduction and floodplain management.
Expand List item 2155Collapse List item 2155  Hydraulics
The District's experts for conducting hydraulic engineering design and analysis related to water resources for Civil Works, Military and HTRW projects throughout the Omaha District and worldwide. Technical capabilities include 1-D and 2-D hydraulic modeling and assessing hydrologic safety of dams, as well as the hydraulic design and review of flood risk reduction measures including open channels and conduits, hydraulic structures, erosion protection measures and emergency mitigation measures.
Expand List item 2156Collapse List item 2156  Hydrology
The District’s consultant for hydrology related issues has a diverse workload with a portfolio of projects throughout the Omaha District and around the world.  Examples include: precipitation/ runoff modeling, reservoir-operation modeling, planning studies related to water supply (agricultural, municipal, etc.), wetland rehabilitation, interior drainage (culverts, pumping stations, etc.) and Missouri River recovery.  Personnel also assist during flood emergencies by providing critical forecasting and site-reconnaissance information.
Expand List item 2157Collapse List item 2157  Water Control
Corps water control projects (dams, local protection, levee systems, and navigation projects) store, regulate, divert, constrict or convey most of the surface waters in the United States. As stewards of a significant percentage of the nation’s aquatic environment, the Corps has a responsibility to preserve, protect and, where necessary, restore that portion of the environment altered by Corps projects.
Expand List item 2158Collapse List item 2158  Water Quality
The Corps water quality program is committed to holistic watershed ecosystem based resource management requiring understanding the interactions of the uses and users of the aquatic environment and the impact of Corps structures and their operation on the aquatic environment. The water quality program provides one of the greatest opportunities for the Corps to demonstrate its commitment to environmental leadership, conservation, restoration and stewardship. By planning, designing, constructing and operating water projects in a manner that achieves project purposes while preserving, protecting and restoring the ecological integrity of the aquatic resources, the Corps can demonstrate its leadership role in responsible environmental engineering.

Hydrologic Engineering

The Omaha District provides the full range of hydrologic and water resource engineering expertise within the district's area of responsibility and worldwide. The district boasts expertise in fields such as watershed modeling, floodplain management, hydraulic structure design, erosion control, environmental restoration, reservoir system management and statistical analysis - to name a few.  Furthermore, hydrologic engineers are available to assist the nation during times of natural and man-made disasters in a variety of ways through either onsite assistance or virtual support

Water Management News

Jamestown and Pipestem dams increasing releases following a wet pattern
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District will increase releases from Jamestown Dam and Pipestem Dam beginning July 25 in response to an active rainfall pattern over recent months...