Public Notices

  • Public Meeting Announcement (Sept. 17, '24): Jamestown, North Dakota: Pipestem Reservoir and the Sustainable Rivers Program

    Expiration date: 9/17/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, is hosting a public meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, in Jamestown, N.D., to present the Pipestem Reservoir as a location of interest in the Sustainable Rivers Program (SRP). Pipestem Reservoir has been accepted as part of the SRP, with plans to continue water quality sampling, updating the water quality model, analysis of release alternatives to improve water quality and more. The intent of this meeting is to discuss additional potential environmental benefits for the reservoir with local stakeholders. All are welcome, and participants are encouraged to visit and share their thoughts on both current and future operations regarding environmental benefits for the reservoir. The meeting will have presentations that cover the history of SRP and its involvement with the Pipestem Reservoir and James River Basin. There will be stations to talk with subject matter experts on multiple topics in the basin, and a place to leave comments for review.
  • NWO-2013-00278-BIS

    Expiration date: 8/5/2024

    The District Engineer, Omaha, is evaluating a permit application from Mountrail County for a 6-mile road reconstruction project on County Road 11 centered on Latitude 48.167466° North, Longitude -102.148896° West. The project would consist of widening the existing embankment to increase existing 1-foot-wide shoulders to 5 feet, extending culverts, and modifying the vertical profile to increase sight distance. The project would result in a permanent loss of 0.90-acre of wetlands and temporary impacts to 0.80-acre. Project impacts are proposed to be offset through purchase of mitigation credits. Work would occur in Sections 1, 2, 11, and 12, Township 154 North, Range 89 West, and Sections 11-14, 23-26, and 35-36, Township 155 North, Range 89 West, Mountrail County, North Dakota.

  • NWO-2007-02353-BIS

    Expiration date: 6/20/2024

    The District Engineer, Omaha District, is evaluating a permit application from the City of Bismarck for the Tyler Coulee Regional Stormwater Improvements Project. The City proposes to upgrade flow passage and check erosion at road crossings on Valley Drive, Clairmont Road and River Road; construct four dry detention basins to reduce peak flow; and upgrade the berms on either side of the channel as it goes through Pioneer Park. Construction of the project would result in the permanent loss of 0.78-acre of waters of the US. The project site is located in northwest Bismarck on Tyler Coulee in Sections 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29 and 30, Township 139 North, Range 80 West, centered on Latitude 46.853180° North, Longitude -100.813689° West, Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota.