North Dakota Regional General Permits

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Permit #ActivityApplicantExpires

RGP-0403-02: Boat Ramps 

Authorizes the construction, expansion, and extension of boat ramps and other activities related to boat ramps in all waters of the U.S. in North Dakota, excluding Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe.General Public9/30/2026

RGP-0401-03: Boat Ramps

Authorizes the construction, expansion, and extension of boat ramps and other activities related to boat ramps, some of which are limited to exteme drought conditions and are based on elevation at the time of application and construction in Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe (Extreme Drought Elevations: Lake Sakakawea - 1830 msl and Lake Oahe - 1605 msl).General Public1/31/2027

RGP-00-05: Bank Stabilization on Corps
Reservoirs to Protect Culturally
Significant Sites

Authorizes bank stabilization projects to prevent destruction on sulturally significant sites located on on the Missouri River Mainstem Reservoirs in Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. Reservoirs include Fort Peck Lake, Montana; Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota; Lake Oahe in North and South Dakota; and Lake Sharpe, Lake Francis Case and Lewis and Clark Lake, South Dakota.US Army Corps of Engineers or South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks4/2/2028

RGP 96-01, Reissuance 9

Emergency flood and natural disaster related activities.General Public8/31/2029