Public Involvement Notices

  • Corps seeks public comment on Draft Tiered Environmental Assessment, R-562 PL 84-99 Levee Rehabilitation

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ draft tiered environmental assessment (EA) for the R-562 Public Law (PL) 84-99 levee rehabilitation is currently available for public review. The EA evaluates the environmental impacts of correcting damages to the R-562 levee system, caused by the flood on the Missouri River in 2019. These damages have compromised the level of flood protection that the levee system provides and poses a risk to property and life safety. Repairs to the levee system are needed to address this risk to property and life safety by restoring a level of flood protection to the leveed area. The proposed project is located between Missouri River miles 541.5-549.0 in Otoe and Nemaha Counties, Nebraska.
  • USACE seeks public comment on BNSF Railway Bridge Removal Project

    A proposed removal of the BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) Bridge 2001-518, located on the Big Sioux River within Sioux City, Iowa and North Sioux City, South Dakota, is currently available for public review and comment. The purpose of the project is to remove BNSF Bridge 2001-518.9 due to a significant storm event that caused the structure, managed by the USACE Omaha District, to be damaged and dislodged from the pier in the center of the river.
  • USACE seeks public comment on Winnebago Tribe Broadband Fiber Optic Project

    A proposed alteration of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska/ Winnebago Tribe Broadband Fiber Optic Project, located on the Winnebago Reservation and in the adjacent communities of Emerson, Homer, and Wakefield in Thurston County, Nebraska, is currently available for public review and comment. The purpose of the project is to deploy a broadband infrastructure network to connect unserved/underserved tribal households, businesses, and community anchor institutions (i.e., schools, medical facilities) to reliable and affordable high-speed internet.
  • USACE seeks public comment on South Dakota Highway 44 Bridge Replacement Project

    A proposed replacement of the South Dakota Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Highway 44 (SD44) Platte-Winner Bridge, located within Gregory and Charles Mix Counties, is currently available for public review and comment.
  • USACE seeks public comment on Reynolds Landing Park South Platte River and Flood Terrace Phase Project

    A draft alteration of the Chatfield Downstream Channel Improvements Flood Risk Reduction Project, located within the South Platte River corridor at Reynolds Landing Park, City of Littleton, Arapahoe County, Colorado, is currently available for public review and comment.
  • High flows scheduled during annual maintenance at Cherry Creek Dam May 22: USACE urges public safety

    Higher than normal flows of water through Cherry Creek Dam will begin this Wednesday, May 22, as part of annual sediment flushing by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District to help ensure proper operation of the dam’s outlet gates.
  • Cherry Creek Dam and flood safety event to boost community awareness

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, in collaboration with Denver-area flood risk management partners, will host a community event with displays, gadgets, gear, scientists, engineers and park rangers to share information and build awareness of the role of Cherry Creek Dam in reducing flooding in the Denver area. Specialists in emergency preparedness and on the history and health of the Cherry Creek watershed also will help visitors explore their role in reducing floods.