Description: The Little Sioux Bend site is located along the right descending bank of the Missouri River. Shallow water habitat construction was completed in 2016, creating a 7,300-foot-long chute excavated to an approximate width of 70 feet with an inlet structure approximately 150 feet wide.
- In addition, two tie channels connecting the chute to the main channel at mid-point locations were constructed to the same dimensions as the chute creating two separate islands. The project design allows the 70-foot-wide pilot channel to widen through natural river processes to an ultimate width that is roughly the same as that of the inlet (150 feet).
- This project resulted in the creation of approximately 19 acres of SWH immediately after construction, with the potential for 33 acres of SWH once the chute expands through natural processes.
Status: Open to the public. Construction complete. Site/Habitat is in operations and maintenance status.
Site Use: Contact the Corps' Missouri River Project Office.
Site-use Regulations:
- People visiting these areas must comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, including hunting, fishing, etc. In general Title 36 Part 327 of the Code of Federal Regulations governs the use of Corps property. Other regulations may apply to properties owned by other federal agencies.
- Special regulations and restrictions may be posted on site.
Special-use Regulations: No target shooting, primitive camping or off-road vehicles permitted.