Public Notices

  • NWO-2021-01692-PIE

    Expiration date: 8/25/2024

    The District Engineer has received a prospectus from the Sponsor, Ducks Unlimited, Inc, titled, “Brule County ILF Project – Prospectus”, hereon referred to as the Prospectus. The Corps is soliciting comments on the Prospectus. The Prospectus described herein is not being proposed by the Corps, but by the Sponsor. The Corps will evaluate the Prospectus according to the requirements of the Mitigation Rule (33 CFR 332) to determine if the Prospectus has the potential to produce compensatory mitigation suitable to offset unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States authorized through the issuance of Department of the Army (DA) permits pursuant to section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) and/or sections 9 or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 401, 403).

  • 408-NWO-2024-0057

    Expiration date: 8/5/2024

    The purpose of the proposed action is to remove BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) Bridge 2001-518.9 from the Big Sioux River due to a significant storm event that caused the structure, managed by the USACE Omaha District, to be damaged and dislodged from the pier in the center of the river. BNSF proposes to construct temporary access for bridge removal activities through the North Sioux City Right Bank Levee on the west side; and separately construct temporary access on the east side. BNSF proposes to maintain levee continuity during levee excavation, by constructing a ring levee in a manner to preserve flood protection for North Sioux City should a moderate or major flood event occur on the Big Sioux River during levee excavation operations and access to the river for cleanup and removal of the storm damaged structure within the river. Upon completion of the ring levee the access path and causeway will be constructed in the Big Sioux River. BNSF’s plans for the new bridge replacement / construction will be submitted to USACE and the local levee Sponsors in a future separate Section 408 request and Section 404 application. Only project elements that would alter the Federal Project are within the review scope for the Section 408 permission request.
  • NWO-2014-00998-PIE

    Expiration date: 7/13/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District (Corps), is evaluating a permit application submitted by David Howard to construct a bank stabilization bulkhead on his property along 1,514 linear feet of Missouri River shoreline to protect it from further erosion. This notice is to inform interested parties of the proposed activity and to solicit comments. This application is being evaluated under the provisions of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The applicant is proposing to construct a concrete bulkhead along 1,514 linear feet of Missouri River shoreline resulting in the placement 1.29 acres of fill material below elevation 1365. The applicant has lost several acres of personal property through years of erosion. The purpose of this project is to prevent additional loss of personal property due to erosion caused by Missouri River water flow and wave action.