Programmatic Agreement
The Programmatic Agreement is an attempt to address problems associated with cultural and historic resource impacts involved with the ongoing operation and maintenance of the Missouri River system of main stem dams. It is by design an initiative that will facilitate the development of processes and strategies to minimize, avoid, or mitigate the ongoing adverse impacts the system causes. It is an attempt to overcome barriers keeping worshippers from areas and resources that are essential to their continuing ability to carry out traditional worship pursuits.
NAGPRA-based Memorandum of Agreement (1993)
An agreement between the Omaha District and the North Dakota Intertribal Reinterment Committee that covers the procedures for the care and proper treatment of Native American human remains on project lands in North Dakota.
Programmatic Agreement for Implementation of the Revised Water Control Manual for Jamestown Reservoir and Pipestem Reservoir
The District negotiated and signed this agreement for the Section 106 compliance at Jamestown and Pipestem Reservoirs on May 13, 2004. This is a result of the implementation of the new Water Control Plan. With this document, the District is agreeing to develop and complete multiple inventories, a Cultural Resources Management Plan, testing and evaluation activities, and provide annual reports summarizing accomplishments.
Memorandum of Agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the National Park Service
This Memorandum of Agreement establishes a framework for improved collaboration and cooperation between the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the National Park Service for the purposes of improving public services and management of natural and cultural resources.