Nebraska Regional General Permits

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Permit #ActivityApplicantExpires

RGP-89-01-WEH: Bank Protection on NGPC Water Bodies

Authorizes breakwater structures, revetments and various types of shoreline stabilization structures.Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC)2/28/2025

RGP-98-05-WEH: Manmade Lakes and Ponds Maintenance and Rehabilitation

Authorizes discharge of suitable material into the water bodies (man-made lakes, impoundments and ponds) in conjunction with the hydraulic or mechanical dredging or excavating of lakebed sediment that has accumulated in the water body over time.General Public3/31/2025

RGP-88-04-WEHRGP-88-04-WEH: Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Facilities

Authorizes the placement of fill material in Big Papillion Creek and it tributaries for maintenance activities associated with the existing flood control and protection facility (levee), flood damage restoration (repair work), and maintenance of existing levee infrastructure into waters of the United States.Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District (Papio NRD)6/30/2026

RGP-11-02-WEH: Flood Protection and Repair 


Authorizes flood protection, reconstruction and repair work for flood damaged areas in waters of the United States, including wetlands, in the State of Nebraska and portions of Iowa adjacent to the Missouri River within the Omaha District Regulatory Branch area of responsibility.irGeneral Public3/31/2027

RGP-23-NE: Irrigation Ditch Related Activities in the State of Nebraska

Authorizes discharges into irrigation ditches that have minimal individual or cumulative adverse effects on the aquatic environment but that do not qualify for the Clean Water Act section 404(f)(1)(C) exemption because of the recapture provision at section 404(f)(2) or do not qualify for a Nationwide General Permit.General Public11/30/2028
NOTE: Regarding Activities Affecting Structures or Works Built by the United States: If an RGP activity also requires review by, or permission from, the Corps pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 408 because it will alter or temporarily or permanently occupy or use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) federally authorized Civil Works project (a ‘‘USACE project’’), the activity shall not be authorized by the RGP until the appropriate Corps office issues the section 408 permission or completes its review to alter, occupy, or use the USACE project, and the district engineer issues a written RGP verification.