Missouri River Recovery Program Logo

Langdon Bend

Image capture of Langdon Bend


Size (acres):  1779.45

River Mile:  528.1 to almost 531.4

Bank:  Right descending bank

County:  Nemaha

State:  Nebraska

Ownership, Management and Access

Ownership:  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Acquisition Status:  Acquired from willing sellers between 1993 and 2012, under Water Resources Development Acts 1986 and 1999 authorizations. Easement acquired by the Corps in 1994.

On-Site Management:  Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) administers and/or performs operation and maintenance activities on behalf of the Corps according to the terms of various agreements.

Site Access:  Motor vehicles are restricted to established roadways and parking areas.

Description, Use and Regulations

Description:  The Langdon Bend site is located along the right descending bank of the Missouri River about 2 miles east of the town of Nemaha, NE. 

  • In 1995, a project was proposed for a 10,600-foot long by 10-foot wide pilot channel to create a flow-through chute. Due to issues regarding temperature discharge from the upstream power plant, a partial chute comprising 8,100 feet in length with one inlet structure at the downstream end was constructed and currently functions as a long, narrow backwater rather than the originally designed flow-through chute; flow to this area occurs by water backing up the channel and overland flow during high water times.
  • In 2007, approximately 220 acres of wetland habitat was created through construction of earthen berms, drainage ditches and water control structures to enhance natural precipitation and runoff. 
  • In 2015, construction of two additional wetland cells totaling 70 acres was completed.
  • In 2017, construction was completed on a top-width widening project at Langdon Bend with the goal to create aquatic habitat suitable for the endangered pallid sturgeon and other native fish species. This project entailed moving the river bank landward an average of 200 feet for an approximate length of 4,500 feet creating shallow, slow moving water habitat needed by pallids and other fish species for concealment, breeding and feeding. 
  • Additional environmental restoration activities on this site include reestablishment of the floodplain forest and native grasses.

Status:  Open to the public. Construction complete. Site/Habitat is in operations and maintenance status.

Site Use:  The area is available for a variety of outdoor activities including bird watching, hiking, fishing and hunting (under special regulations).

Site-use Regulations:  

  • People visiting these areas must comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, including hunting, fishing, etc.  In general Title 36 Part 327 of the Code of Federal Regulations governs the use of Corps property.  Other regulations may apply to properties owned by other federal agencies.
  • Special regulations and restrictions may be posted on site.

Special-use Regulations:  No target shooting or primitive camping permitted.

For More Information

Contact Information: 

  • Contact NGPC at (402) 471-0641 or visit the NGPC web document: it is in the "Brownville to Kansas State Line" section of the link, under "Langdon Bend WMA : RM 531.4-528.8".
  • Also contact the Corps' Missouri River Project Office at (402) 996-3761.

Story Maps Link:  http://rsgisias.crrel.usace.army.mil/story_maps/nwo/mrrp/index.html#

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