Nebraska Regulatory Office

The Department of the Army Regulatory Program is one of the oldest in the Federal Government. Initially it served a fairly simple, straightforward purpose: to protect and maintain the navigable capacity of the nation's waters. Time, changing public needs, evolving policy, case law and new statutory mandates have changed the complexion of the program, adding to its breadth, complexity and authority.

The Regulatory Program is committed to protecting the Nation's aquatic resources, while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible and balanced permit decisions. The Corps evaluates permit applications for essentially all construction activities in the Nation's waters, including wetlands.

8901 South 154th Street | Omaha | Nebraska | 68138-3635 | Ph: 402-896-0896 | Fax: 402-896-0997


To learn more about the Regulatory Request System, watch this video: USACE RRS Promo 90-sec (


Click below to access the Regulatory Request System.

Regulatory Announcements

Expand List item 37191Collapse List item 37191  January 8, 2025 - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Jointly Announce the Availability of the National Ordinary High Water Mark Field Delineation Manual for Rivers and Streams (National OHWM Manual)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) jointly announce the availability of the Final National Ordinary High Water Mark Field Delineation Manual for Rivers and Streams (Final National OHWM Manual). The Final National OHWM Manual serves as a non-mandatory technical resource which can be used in appropriate situations to assist with identifying and delineating the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of rivers and streams located throughout the Nation. A joint public notice announcing the release of the Final Manual is available here:

The Final National OHWM Manual, environmental assessment, response to comments, and other information regarding the OHWM can be found at the following link:

Expand List item 37185Collapse List item 37185   January 6, 2025 - Public Notice Module Now Available - Enhances RRS Functionality

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is excited to announce the launch of the Public Notice module on the Regulatory Request System (RRS). Released in January 2025, this new feature allows users nationwide to search, review, and comment on projects being reviewed by the Regulatory Program, significantly enhancing transparency, accessibility, and efficiency. The Public Notice module provides access to Regulatory projects requiring a standard permit or when public notices are issued to develop Mitigation Banks, In-lieu Fee Programs or to issue/reissue a Regional or Programmatic Permit or Section 404 Letter of Permission.  It organizes notices by state and district, which can be viewed in a table format or on an interactive map. Users can easily search for notices by project name or address and submit comments directly through the platform, streamlining public engagement and reinforcing USACE's commitment to improving transparency and the permitting process.

The RRS is a web-based platform, currently in its beta version, designed to simplify the permitting process and enhance user experience. In addition to the new Public Notice Module, RRS enables users to submit permit applications, request jurisdictional determinations, and schedule pre-application meetings, all through a user-friendly interface.

We encourage you to explore the Regulatory Request System and its new features by visiting For additional information or to provide feedback, please contact us at

Expand List item 37056Collapse List item 37056  November 27, 2024 - Availability of New and Updated Engineer (ENG) Forms for the USACE Regulatory Program 

​The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announces the availability of new and updated Engineer (ENG) forms for use in our delivery of the USACE Regulatory Program. These new and updated forms are designed to efficiently and effectively collect information needed to implement our Regulatory Program. 

Practitioners and the public can access USACE’s Regulatory ENG forms at

USACE ENG forms can also be accessed from the USACE Publications Engineer Forms website at

Please note that most regulatory requests, such as requests for permit actions and requests for jurisdictional determinations, can now be completed online through USACE’s Regulatory Request System (RRS). We encourage users to explore and utilize the new Regulatory Request System to take advantage of its benefits and features. Visit today!

Expand List item 34697Collapse List item 34697  15 May 2024 – Permit applications are now available in RRS!


USACE is pleased to announce that the new national online application portal and management platform, known as the Regulatory Request System (RRS) now includes an electronic submission option for permit applications. This platform has been introduced to modernize our permit application process and to address our users' expectations by providing a straightforward and transparent process for the submittal of permit requests.

RRS is a web-based platform currently in a beta version that enables users to submit pre-application meeting requests, jurisdictional determination requests, and new applications for individual and general permits. This new system aims to streamline the process, improve efficiency, and provide a more user-friendly experience for our applicants.     

All six states in the Omaha District, which includes the northeastern quarter of Colorado, Nebraska, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming, are accepting RRS electronic submissions. Please note that in the state of Montana, the RRS joint permit application (JPA) process will not be available on May 15th.  The Montana Regulatory Offices will be flexible with incoming applications submitted in the RRS and continue to coordinate with state and federal counterparts to minimize the burden on applicants. The external JPA form for Montana’s resources is still available online; for further information regarding this JPA, please visit:

We believe that RRS will not only benefit our users by simplifying the application process but will also enhance our ability to effectively manage and review permit requests. We are confident that this modernization initiative will lead to improved customer satisfaction and greater overall efficiency within our Regulatory Program.

We encourage users to explore and utilize the new Regulatory Request System to take advantage of its benefits and features. Visit today!

For additional information on or to provide feedback on RRS, please contact us using the following email:

The US Army Corps of Engineers, Nebraska Regulatory Offices, through the Regulatory Program, administer and enforce Section 404 of the Clean Water Act in Nebraska for the Omaha District. Under CWA Section 404, a permit is required for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States. Many waterbodies and wetlands in the nation are waters of the United States and are subject to the Corps' regulatory authority.

Post-Flood Permitting - Nebraska

Click below for detailed information.

Graphic with link to post-flood permitting fact sheet.