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Support to the Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee

Several entities support MRRIC in its day-to-day and yearly operations, though they themselves are not MRRIC members. The Institute, the facilitation team (RESOLVE), and the Chair are members of the Leadership and Facilitation Team. Please expand the below items for more information.
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Expand List item 20276Collapse List item 20276  National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution

The NCECR facilitated the basin-wide, multi-stakeholder group in the formation of the committee charter prior to its signing in July 2008. It continues to provide assistance to the Committee by: 

  • Contracting for facilitation and a MRRIC chairperson
  • Contracting for third-party science advisory panels
Expand List item 20281Collapse List item 20281  Facilitation Team

RESOLVE is contracted to facilitate and support the activities of MRRIC, including:

  • Regular plenary meetings
  • Work group and other committee-related calls, webinars and meetings
  • Agendas, read-ahead items, summaries, etc. via the online collaboration group the Corps manages
Expand List item 20277Collapse List item 20277  MRRIC Chairperson

The chairperson is contracted to speak for the committee at large. He or she does the following: 

  • Chairs the regular plenary meetings
  • Works with the Leadership and Facilitation Team to support MRRIC initiatives
  • Participates in work group meetings and calls
Expand List item 20278Collapse List item 20278  Third-party Advisory Panel(s)

Currently two Missouri River third-party science advisory panels, managed and coordinated by Oak Ridge Associated Universities, exist: