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Tribal Involvement

The Tribes of the Missouri River basin are diverse in their histories and their perspectives regarding the Missouri River. There are a total of 29 Tribes located within, or having expressed significant interest in, their historical connection to the Missouri River Basin.  These Tribes maintain current and ancestral ties to the Missouri River and possess cultural, economic, and social interests in the river. 

In planning and implementing MRRP actions on the river, USACE has a trust responsibility to work with Tribes on a government-to-government basis in recognition of Tribal sovereignty.

The MRRP has established a Tribal Consultation Specialist to oversee the Program's interactions with Tribes, ensure adherence to Tribal Policy Principles, and facilitate effective and meaningful government-to-government interactions.  For more information on USACE Tribal Policy Principles, please see the HQ USACE Tribal page.  

The Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC) serves as a forum where people with diverse interests in the Missouri River basin can collaborate on recommendations for implementing the MRRP. 

  • All 29 Native American Tribes with ties to the Missouri River, have seats at MRRIC.  Tribal members are appointed by their Tribal Chairman or President. 
  • Participation in MRRIC by Tribes does not substitute for nor replace federal requirements to consult with Tribes pursuant to federal laws and regulations.      

Federal projects must take into account effects on historic and cultural resources. USACE has a federal compliance and stewardship responsibility to ensure the preservation and protection of cultural resource sites located on federal lands and for historic properties that may be affected by USACE undertakings, as outlined in the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, its implementing regulations, and other pertinent laws, regulations, and policies.  

MRRP National Historic Preservation Act Programmatic Agreements (PA):

Omaha District’s PA: "Final Programmatic Agreement for the Operation and Management of the Missouri River Main Stem System for Compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act, March 2004"

Kansas City District’s PA: Under development 

Tribal Resources: 

Photo of a stream off of the Missouri River