Project Authorities

General Investigations 

General Investigation studies refer to the traditional and most common way for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assist a community in addressing large-scale, complex water resource problems. These types of studies are typically conducted in partnership with a non-federal entity (known as a sponsor). 

Continuing Authorities 

Congress has provided the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with a number of standing authorities to study and build water resource projects for various purposes and with specified limits on how much federal money can be spent for a project. The Continuing Authorities Program is a collection of these authorities established to allow for expedited project development and approval, resulting in a decrease in the amount of time it takes to get smaller, less complex projects constructed. Each of these authorities carries with it pre-approved authority for construction without the need for additional congressional authority, provided the recommended project falls within the parameters of the specific program.  

Technical Authorities

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Expand List item 15058Collapse List item 15058  Planning Assistance to States (Section 22)

Authority: Section 22, Water Resources Development Act of 1974, as amended

Purpose: Allows the Corps to provide technical planning assistance to states, public entities within states and federally-recognized Indian Tribes in the preparation of plans for the development, utilization and conservation of water and related land resources.

Cost: Cost share is 50% federal, 50% non-federal

Program Limits: Annual federal allotments for each state or Tribe from the nationwide appropriation is $2,000,000.

Expand List item 15057Collapse List item 15057  Floodplain Management Services (FPMS)

Authority: Section 206, Flood Control Act of 1960, as amended

Purpose: Allows the Corps to provide a full range of flood risk information, technical services and planning guidance to support and promote effective floodplain and flood risk management.

Cost: All FPMS Program activities provided to state, regional and local governments or other non-federal public agencies are 100 percent federally funded, within program funding limits. Program services can also be provided with 100 percent of the funds coming from the requesting entity. Federal agencies, private entities and non-governmental organizations are required to provide 100 percent of the funds to cover the cost of services provided.

Program Limits: Overall Corps FPMS appropriation ceiling amount is $15,000,000.