The PDC has developed and also provides support for a number of software packages relating to protective design. Many DOD agencies require certificates of networthiness. We provide the certificate of networthiness on the download page for the software in question. Will be Available through the PDC SharePoint sites which is currently under construction.
AT Planner for Bridges:
AT Planner for Bridge performs a series of calculations related to bridges related to Improvised Explosive Devices (IED).
AutoDesigner: Automated Designer
AutoDesigner automates the design of aboveground exterior reinforced concrete wall and roof slabs subject to conventional weapons effects. It also automates the design of anti-penetration systems.
BICADS: Building Injury Calculator and DatabaseS
The Building Injury Calculator and DatabaseS (BICADS) is an assessment tool for estimating human injury and fatality from structural damage due to terrorist weapons.
BIRM3D: Three-Dimensional Barrier Impact Response Model
The Three-Dimensional Barrier Impact Response Model (BIRM3D) allows an engineer to evaluate the vulnerability of a barrier and the associated vehicle trajectory for a variety of impact scenarios without conducting costly vehicular crash tests.
BlastX: Internal and External Blast Effects Prediction
BlastX performs calculations of the shock wave and confined detonation products pressure and venting for explosions, either internal or external, to a structure.
CBARD: Column Blast Analysis and Retrofit Design
CBARD is a breach, SDOF and Multiple-Degree of Freedom column analysis and retrofit design tool
CEDAW: Component Explosive Damage Assessment Workbook
CEDAW is an Excel-based tool for generation of pressure-impulse (P-i) and charge weight-standoff (CW-S) damage level curves for structural components. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Protective Design Center developed CEDAW as a tool for designers to use in satisfying Department of Defense (DoD) antiterrorism standards.
ConWep: Conventional Weapons Effects
ConWep is a collection of conventional weapons effects calculations from the equations and curves of TM 5-855-1, "Design and Analysis of Hardened Structures to Conventional Weapons Effects". ConWep performs a variety of conventional weapons effects calculations including an assortment of airblast routines, fragment and projectile penetrations, breach, cratering, and ground shock.
DPlot95 is a main stay 2D graphing program used by many of the programs distributed by the Protective Design Center. This program is no longer officially supported.
ESSCOST: ESS Cost and Budget Estimator
ESScost is an Excel-based tool for generation of cost and budget for Electronic Security System (ESS) projects. The ESS Cost and Budget Estimator was developed to assist budget estimators, planners, and programmers in developing budget estimates for the costs associated with the ESS portions of Military Construction (MILCON) projects once the requirements for ESS are defined.
HAZL: Window Fragment Hazard Level Analysis
HAZL is no longer supported by the PDC. Please use SBEDS_W for your window calculations.
A robust model for calculating window response and personnel hazard. It uses a Single Degree of Freedom model for window response up to failure and a debris transport model for predicting fragment trajectory.
PENCURV+: Three-dimensional projectile penetration predictions
PENCURV+ V1.5 is a suite of codes that includes PENCRV3D V3.5. PENCRV3D is a 3D projectile penetration code that calculates the trajectory of a rigid axisymmetric projectile impacting complex geologic/structural targets composed of curvilinear material layers.
PSADS: Protective Structures Automated Design System
The Protective Structures Automated Design System (PSADS) was developed to automate the procedures in UFC 3-340-01, DAHS CWE manual. It automates key equations and implements the capability to digitally read graphs.
SBEDS: Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Effects Design Spreadsheets
SBEDS is an Excel-based tool for design of structural components subjected to dynamic loads using single degree of freedom (SDOF) methodology. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Protective Design Center developed SBEDS as a tool for designers to use in satisfying Department of Defense (DoD) antiterrorism standards.
SBEDS_W: Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Effects Design Spreadsheets for Windows
SBEDS_W is an Excel-based tool for design of windows and window mullions subjected to dynamic loads using single degree of freedom (SDOF) methodology. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Protective Design Center developed SBEDS_W as a tool for designers to use in satisfying Department of Defense (DoD) antiterrorism standards.
SBEDS v5.x: Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Effects Design Spreadsheets v5.x
SBEDS_5 is an Excel-based tool for design of structural components subjected to dynamic loads using single degree of freedom (SDOF) methodology. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Protective Design Center developed SBEDS as a tool for designers to use in satisfying Department of Defense (DoD) antiterrorism standards.
SEPA2/SECAT: Security Engineering Planning Assistant 2 / Security Engineering Cost Analysis Tool
SEPA 2/ SECAT are tools that aid security planners in preparing threat analysis for DD-1391 forms.
SPAn: Single-Degree-of-Freedom Plastic Analysis
SPAn facilitates single degree of freedom design and analysis of structural members subject to dynamic loading from blast, impact, or any other source that can be approximated by a uniform pressure-time relationship on the face of the member. Structure options include one- and two-way reinforced concrete members, one- and two-way steel members, and a general user defined SDOF system.
VAPO: Vulnerability Assessment Protection Option
VAPO is designed to support force protection evaluators and planners with the ability to address modern asymmetric threats such as improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and chemical and biological weapons. VAPO uses fast running, physics-based algorithms to predict cratering, fragmentation, blast damage and subsequent collateral effects due to chemical or biological agent dispersion.
WinDAS: Window Design and Analysis Software
WinDAS is no longer supported by the PDC.
WinDAS automates the following three tasks related to window hazard identification and mitigation: conducting window hazard assessments, examining window hazard mitigation options for existing construction, and selecting blast-resistant windows for new construction.