US Army Corps of Engineers
Omaha District Website

Regulatory Branch

The Department of the Army Regulatory Program is one of the oldest in the Federal Government. Initially it served a fairly simple, straightforward purpose: to protect and maintain the navigable capacity of the nation's waters. Time, changing public needs, evolving policy, case law and new statutory mandates have changed the complexion of the program, adding to its breadth, complexity and authority.

The Regulatory Program is committed to protecting the Nation's aquatic resources, while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible and balanced permit decisions. The Corps evaluates permit applications for essentially all construction activities in the Nation's waters, including wetlands.

Regulatory Announcement

The proposed Keystone XL Pipeline Project (Project) within the United States would be located in Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska, connecting to the existing Keystone Cushing Extension pipeline, which extends from Steele City, Nebraska, to Cushing, Oklahoma. In total, the Project would consist of approximately 1,209 miles of new, 36-inch- diameter pipeline, with approximately 327 miles of pipeline in Canada and approximately 882 miles in the United States (U.S.). The Project would cross the international border between Saskatchewan, Canada, and the U.S. near Morgan, Montana, and would include pipeline generally within a 110-foot-wide temporary construction right-of-way (ROW) and a 50-foot-wide permanent ROW in Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska. The approximate start of the Project in Montana is located at the following coordinates: 48.99, -107.54. The approximate end of the Project in Nebraska is located at the following coordinates: 40.04, -96.99.

Public Notice available at NWO-2020-01055-PIE

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Army’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule (NWPR):  Definition of “Waters of the United States” became effective on June 22, 2020 in 49 states and all US territories. A preliminary injunction has been granted for the state of Colorado.  Federal jurisdiction in Colorado will be determined using the 2019 Rule (the recodification of the 1986 Regulations) and associated 2003/2008 (SWANCC/Rapanos) guidance documents.  The NWPR establishes the scope of federal regulatory authority under the Clean Water Act.  The NWPR includes four simple categories of jurisdictional waters and provides specific exclusions for many water features that traditionally have not been regulated. 

The Federal Register notice is available at  Additional information about the rule can be found on the EPA’s website at

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), as part of an interagency effort with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), is announcing the availability of the final 2018 National Wetland Plant List (NWPL). The Federal Register Notice for the 2018 NWPL update can be found here:

The NWPL provides plant species indicator status ratings, which are used in determining whether the hydrophytic vegetation factor is met when conducting wetland delineations under the Clean Water Act and wetland determinations under the Wetland Conservation Provisions of the Food Security Act. Other applications of the NWPL include wetland restoration, establishment, and enhancement projects. The list is effective as of May 18, 2020 and will be used in any wetland delineations performed after this date. Completed wetland delineation/determination forms should reference the version of the NWPL used to complete the form.  The final NWPL is available at  State, regional, and national lists can also be downloaded from this site.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), as part of an interagency effort with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), is announcing the availability of the final 2018 National Wetland Plant List (NWPL). The Federal Register Notice for the 2018 NWPL update can be found here:

The NWPL provides plant species indicator status ratings, which are used in determining whether the hydrophytic vegetation factor is met when conducting wetland delineations under the Clean Water Act and wetland determinations under the Wetland Conservation Provisions of the Food Security Act. Other applications of the NWPL include wetland restoration, establishment, and enhancement projects. The list is effective as of May 18, 2020 and will be used in any wetland delineations performed after this date. Completed wetland delineation/determination forms should reference the version of the NWPL used to complete the form.  The final NWPL is available at  State, regional, and national lists can also be downloaded from this site.

Beginning March 18, 2020, the USACE Omaha District’s Regulatory Branch began utilization of telework for all staff.  Telework will continue for an undetermined amount of time.  During this period Regulatory personnel will be working from home utilizing alternative technology to access work files and communicate via email.  Personnel have received guidance to evaluate risk involved with conducting local travel to perform site visits, and when asked to participate in interagency and applicant/consultant meetings.  They have also received direction to remain aware of and adhere to local/municipality and state proclamations regarding participation in gatherings and meetings and exercise flexibility in methods of participation for meetings that USACE normally hosts.

To ensure the continued delivery of the nation’s Regulatory Program, additional flexibility to standard requirements will be implemented.  Electronic submittals and signatures will be utilized when possible.  Also, virtual meeting capabilities, such as webinars or use of Skype, will be used in certain instances.   Applicants, resource agencies and the general public should continue to submit information via previously utilized methods such as mail, email and telephonic contact.  Please be aware that there will be limited to no personnel in any of the offices and the best form of contact at this time is via email.  We realize that this will impact all work products that are currently being evaluated by the Omaha District, but please understand that we are working to identify all strategies to make this impact minimal while doing our part to keep the public and our workforce safe.  This announcement will be periodically updated as procedures and strategies are identified and implemented as we work through these challenging times, so please check back regularly.

Please go to your respective state’s website for instructions on submitting documents electronically:

Colorado - Email:

Montana - Email:

Nebraska - Email:

North Dakota - Email:

South Dakota - Email:

Wyoming - Email:

Regulatory News Releases

Army Corps of Engineers seeks public comments on proposal to renew and revise nationwide permits
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced today it is seeking comments on its proposal to renew and revise 52 nationwide permits for work in wetlands and other waters that are regulated by Section...
Corps seeks public comment on improvements to water treatment plant system in Lockwood, Montana
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Omaha District is now accepting public comments for a proposal to improve the water distribution system for the Lockwood Water and Sewer District, Lockwood, Montana...
Notice of Availability of Draft EIS and Public Meeting for U.S. Highway 275 West Point to Scribner
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, Nebraska Regulatory Office will initiate a 45-day public comment period and hold a public meeting for the U.S. Highway 275 (US-275) West Point to...
Halligan Water Supply Project draft environmental impact statement published
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District has published in the federal register the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and conceptual mitigation plan for the Halligan Water Supply Project, a...