Water Quality Management Program


The following goals and objectives provide a “roadmap” for implementing the District’s Water Quality Management Program.

Goal 1: Ensure that surface water quality, as affected by District projects and their regulation, is suitable for project purposes, existing water uses, and public health and safety, and is in compliance with applicable Federal, Tribal, and State water quality standards.

Objectives for Implementing Goal 1:

  • Determine if any surface water quality concerns exist that are due to the regulation of District projects.
  • Where degraded surface water quality conditions exist at District projects, develop a plan for restoration that will restore water quality and the aquatic environment to a desirable, biologically diverse, productive, and robust condition.
  • Evaluate District projects and their regulation to ascertain that they offer the lowest possible stress to surface water quality and the aquatic environment.

Goal 2: Establish and maintain a surface water quality monitoring and data evaluation program that facilitates the achievement of water quality management objectives, allows for the characterization of water quality conditions, and defines the influence of District projects on surface water quality.

Objectives for Implementing Goal 2:

  • Characterize surface water quality conditions at District projects.
  • Describe and document any surface water quality concerns identified at District projects.
  • Provide data to support reservoir regulation elements at Districts projects for effective management and enhancement of surface water quality and the aquatic environment.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of structural or regulation measures implemented at District projects to enhance surface water quality and/or the aquatic environment.

Goal 3: Establish and maintain strong working partnerships and collaboration with appropriate entities within and outside the Corps regarding surface water quality management at District projects.

Objectives for Implementing Goal 3:

  • Provide technical support on surface water quality issues to other Corps echelons.
  • Maintain coordination and communication among Corps elements involved in water quality management matters
  • Maintain close coordination and, where possible, collaboration with all interested governmental and nongovernmental entities with an interest in water quality conditions at District projects.
  • Use a team approach to develop objectives, establish priorities, and execute the District’s Water Quality Management Program.
  • As appropriate, promote and develop cost-sharing partnerships in accordance with available authorities.

Goal 4: Document the water quality management activities of the District’s Water Quality Management Program and project surface water quality conditions to record trends, identify problems and accomplishments, and provide guidance to program and project managers.

Objectives for Implementing Goal 4:

  • Apply the Corps’ Program Management Business Process (PMBP) to the implementation of the District’s Water Quality Management Program.
  • Prepare an annual report of water quality conditions in the District.
  • Prepare an annual report on the implementation of the District’s Water Quality Management Program.


The District’s Water Quality Management Program is categorized into four functional areas:

  • Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment.
  • Project Water Quality Management Planning.
  • Technical Support.
  • Program Development and Evaluation.

[A more detailed discussion of the District’s Water Quality Management Program is provided in the document “Program Implementation Plan for Implementing the Omaha District’s Water Quality Management Program”.]