41. MRRIC Recommendations to USACE on the Draft MRRP 2018 Strategic Plan and Science and Adaptive Management Plan Implementation, June 2018 |
MRRIC made 40 recommendations within the following topics areas:
- Decision making informed by science and learning from management actions;
- Outreach and collaborative action; and
- Strategic Plan and funding priorities.
Full Recommendation
USACE provided a detailed response to address each recommendation; see full response.
Full Response
40. MRRIC Recommendations to USACE and USFWS Regarding Draft MRRP 2018 Strategic Plan and Science and Adaptive Management Plan Implementation, June 2018 |
MRRIC made 12 recommendations within the following topics areas:
- Decision making informed by science and learning from management actions;
- Independent scientific review;
- Apply new information to MRRP piping plover actions; and
- Other recommendations.
Full Recommendation
USACE and USFWS provided a detailed response to address each recommendation; see full response.
Full Response
39. MRRIC Recommendation on Approach for Fall Science Meeting 2018, May 2018
MRRIC recommends the lead agencies and MRRIC use an 8-step approach to the Fall Science Meeting in 2018 to ensure the 2018 Fall Science Meeting, the 2018 Adaptive Management Report, and the 2019 Adaptive Management Workshop effectively support decision making throughout the Adaptive Management governance process.
Full Recommendation
USACE and USFWS concur with the recommendations.
Full Response
38. MRRIC Common Ground Recommendations to USACE and USFWS concerning the pallid sturgeon stocking program and science informed decision making, May 2018 |
- Supports USACE and USFWS's continued funding of and efforts to improve the quality of the pallid sturgeon stocking program. Quality criteria should include physiological and ecological factors such as overall health of fish when stocked, the ability of newly stocked pallids to be adaptive to Missouri River conditions (e.g., feeding, positioning in current, and habitat selection) and grow and perform as well as wild fish. MRRIC also supports USFWS efforts to preserve the genetic diversity of local pallid populations.
- Supports science-informed decisions through Adaptive Management and the NEPA process to meet the needs of the listed species while minimizing impacts on human uses of the river, utilizing and independent science review process.
Full Recommendation
USACE and USFWS appreciate the support.
Full Response
37. MRRIC Common Ground Recommendations to USACE on inclusion of science from the Middle Mississippi and role of MRRIC, May 2018 |
- Supports USACE's inclusion of science from the middle Mississippi in the scientific efforts to understand pallid sturgeon recruitment.
- Recommends that USACE continue to utilize MRRIC as the best venue for sharing concerns and pursuing solutions to benefit species and stakeholders and provide funding, staff support and scientific information to guide management plan actions with the understanding that the MRRIC process does not supersede the need for USACE to consult with local, state, and tribal nations' jurisdictions regarding implementation of site-specific actions (with the engagement of the MRRIC Independent Science Advisory Panel).
Full Recommendation
USACE concurs with the recommendations.
Full Response
36. MRRIC Common Ground Recommendations to USACE and USFWS concerning the independent scientific review of the draft Biological Opinion, March 2018 |
MRRIC recommends that the Independent Science Advisory Panel (ISAP) review the science used by USACE and USFWS for the Biological Assessment and the Biological Opinion (in addition to the Effects Analysis and Conceptual models already reviewed by the ISAP).
Full Recommendation
USACE and USFWS concurred with the recommendation.
Full Response
35. MRRIC Common Ground Recommendations to USACE on invasive species and piping plover metapopulation studies, March 2018 |
MRRIC recommends:
- That USACE assess the impacts from aquatic invasive species on the pallid, and invasive species (in general) on the plover in the Adaptive Management process.
- That USACE consider the results of the piping plover studies by the U.S. Geological Survey ("Spatial variation in population dynamics of northern Great Plains Piping Plovers" to be completed) and Virginia Tech (Relevant citations can be found at the following link: http://vtshorebirds.fishwild.vt.edu/publications.html) meta population studies in Missouri River Recovery Management Plan Adaptive Management.
Full Recommendation
USACE responded as follows:
- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is coordinating study of impacts of Asian carp to aquatic ecosystems on the Missouri River outside of MRRP.
- The piping plover metapopulation study will be used to refine the bird model when the study results are finalized.
Full Response