Missouri River Recovery Program Logo

Tyson Bend

Image capture of Tyson-Bend


Size (acres):  697.86

River Mile:  653.0 to 654.8 along the river.

Bank:  Left descending bank

County:  Harrison

State:  Iowa

Ownership, Management and Access

Ownership:  State of Iowa

Acquisition Status:  Easement acquired by the Corps in 2009.

On-Site Management:  Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) administers and/or performs operation and maintenance activities on behalf of the Corps according to the terms of various agreements.

Site Access:  No information available.

Description, Use and Regulations

Description:  The Tyson Bend site is located along the left descending bank of the Missouri River. A large backwater and a portion of an off-channel chute were constructed at Tyson Bend. Connection of the upstream portion of the backwater area/chute to the Missouri River was not completed due to unavailable real estate on the upstream portion of the project.

  • The chute, which is currently functioning as a portion of the backwater is 13,500 feet in length, exits on the downstream side of the project and includes a rock separation dike and an outlet dike revision to reduce backwater sediment deposition.
  • Removal of the deposited material at the backwater entrance was performed to allow river connection at normal flows.
  • The project will create approximately 44 acres of shallow water habitat for the chute and 71 acres at the backwater.

Status:  Open to the public. Channel repair is planned. Site/Habitat is in operations and maintenance status.

Site Use:  The site is open to the public for a variety of outdoor activities including fishing, bird watching, hiking and hunting (under special regulations).

Site-use Regulations:  

  • People visiting these areas must comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, including hunting, fishing, etc.  In general Title 36 Part 327 of the Code of Federal Regulations governs the use of Corps property.  Other regulations may apply to properties owned by other federal agencies.
  • Special regulations and restrictions may be posted on site.

Special-use Regulations:  See above.

For More Information

Contact Information: 

  • Contact Iowa Department of Natural Resources at (712) 420-2437 or visit the IDNR web document.

Story Maps Link:  http://rsgisias.crrel.usace.army.mil/story_maps/nwo/mrrp/index.html#

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