US Army Corps of Engineers
Omaha District Website

Missouri River Recovery Program Logo

Plattsmouth Chute

Image capture of Plattsmouth Chute


Size (acres):  320.75

River Mile:  Chute areas off the river at 591.9 and 594.5

Bank:  Right descending bank

County:  Cass

State:  Nebraska

Ownership, Management and Access

Ownership:  State of Nebraska

Acquisition Status:  Easements acquired by the Corps in 2007 and 2008.

On-Site Management:  Nebraska Game and Parks Commission administers and/or performs operation and maintenance activities on behalf of the Corps according to the terms of various agreements.

Site Access:  Motor vehicles are restricted to established roadways and parking areas.

Description, Use and Regulations

Description:  The Plattsmouth Chute project is located along the right descending bank of the river from Missouri River Mile 595.0 to 592.5 in Cass County, Nebraska, about 0.5 mile north and east of Plattsmouth, NE.

  • The site is in and adjoins the 1,300-acre Randall W. Schilling Wildlife Management Area, which is managed the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.
  • This project was completed as part of the Missouri River Recovery Program (MRRP) and consisted of two phases.
  • The first phase was the creation of a 100-foot wide and 12,211 foot long chute that exits and re-enters the west bank of the Missouri River.
  • The second phase was the creation of a 1,100-foot long backwater extending from river mile 591.0 to 592.0. The backwater, with varying depths and side slopes, provided an estimated 22 acres of shallow water habitat.
  • Environmental restoration features at this site included river structure modifications; side channel/back waters; floodplain reconnection; and reestablishment of the floodplain forest and native grasses.

Status:  Open to the public. Completed. Not yet In Operations and Maintenance.

Site Use:  The area is available for a variety of outdoor activities including bird watching, hiking, fishing and hunting (under special regulations).

Site-use Regulations:  

  • People visiting these areas must comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, including hunting, fishing, etc.  In general Title 36 Part 327 of the Code of Federal Regulations governs the use of Corps property.  Other regulations may apply to properties owned by other federal agencies.
  • Special regulations and restrictions may be posted on site.

Special-use Regulations:  See above.

For More Information

Contact Information: 

  • Contact Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) at (402) 471-5597 or visit the NGPC web page: is in the "Plattsmouth to Nebraska City" section of the link, under "Randall W. Schilling WMA : RM 595-591.3"
  • Also contact the Corps' Missouri River Project Office at (402) 996-3761.

Story Maps Link:

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