The Corps is coordinating with the public, other federal agencies, states and Tribes throughout the Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process through the following:
- Scoping
- Public outreach
- Draft EIS review
- Final EIS review
- Tribal outreach
Engagement Throughout the Management Plan and EIS Process
MRRIC: The Corps is collaborating with the Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC) which represents a cross section of basin interests including federal and state agencies, Tribes, industry, and other interests. Collaboration with MRRIC allows for substantive input on key activities and products in a tight project timeline.
States: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service supports the Corps by engaging state fish and wildlife agencies in the Management Plan and EIS consistent with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. State agencies are encouraged to take full advantage of this opportunity.
Public: Initial public comments were collected in September 2013. Additional public scoping was offered following the selection of a draft plan, and public meetings on the draft EIS were held in February 2016. Members of the public are encouraged to attend MRRIC meetings to hear the latest developments, provide comments, and ask questions.
Tribes: The Corps continues to engage with Tribes pursuant to Tribal Trust responsibilities, including government-to-government consultation as requested by Tribes.
Cooperating Agencies: Cooperating agencies have jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental impact involved in the federal action.
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