Omaha District Videos

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Omaha District Videos

Levee Breaches Repaired at L-550 and L-575

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Tribal Relations During a Flood FightTribal Relations During a Flood Fight
During a flood fight, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers works with local, state and federal agencies to mitigate the risks associated with high water. ... 

Video by Kevin Wingert | OmahaUSACE | 08.23.2011 

The Long Fight for HamburgThe Long Fight for Hamburg
Following a breach along Missouri River Levee Unit L-575 in mid June of 2011, the Corps and town of Hamburg elevated an existing levee to stave off flood waters from...

Video by Kevin Wingert | OmahaUSACE | 06.18.2011  

Corps and Community Fight for Hamburg, IowaCorps and Community Fight for Hamburg, Iowa
During the Missouri River Basin Flood of 2011, a breach at Missouri River Levee Unit L-575 in early June threatened the town of Hamburg, Iowa. ...

Video by Kevin Wingert | OmahaUSACE | 06.14.2011 

Garrison Dam Spillway Apron MaintenanceGarrison Dam Spillway Apron Maintenance
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District opened the spillway gates at Garrison Dam on June 1, 2011, to pass floodwaters for the first time. ...

Video by Kevin Wingert | OmahaUSACE | 06.04.2011 

Garrison Dam Historic Spillway Gate OpeningGarrison Dam Historic Spillway Gate Opening
Shortly before 8 a.m. on June 1, 2011, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers opened the gates to pass flood waters for the first time from the Garrison Dam spillway....

Video by Kevin Wingert | OmahaUSACE | 06.01.2011

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