Missouri River Recovery Program Logo

Tieville Bend

Image capture of Tieville Bend


Size (acres):  1,105.19

River Mile:  691.4 to 691.5 and 691.7 to 693.7 (along the river);
NGPC:  691.4 to 693.8

Bank:  Left descending bank

County:  Burt (NE) and Monona (IA)

State:  Nebraska and Iowa

Ownership, Management and Access

Ownership:  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Acquisition Status:  Acquired from willing sellers in 1996 under Water Resources Development Act 1986 authorization.

On-Site Management: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Nebraska lands) and Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) (Iowa lands): IDNR administers and/or performs operation and maintenance activities on behalf of the Corps according to the terms of various agreements.

Site Access:  Motor vehicles are restricted to established roadways and parking areas. 

Description, Use and Regulations

Description:  Tieville Bend site is part of the Blackbird-Tieville-Upper Decatur (BTD) Bends complex. Land ownership within Tieville Bend is a mixture of state and federal land. Over time, shifts in the river's path placed Iowa and Nebraska lands on the opposite side of the river.

  • The USACE acquired some tracts in fee-title ownership and other tracts were acquired as easement from the state of Iowa for implementation of project features.
  • Historically, these three bends formed a complex that contained side channels which spread the river across the flood plain. The side channels were cutoff in conjunction with the Missouri River Bank Stabilization and Navigation Project (BSNP) which favored accretion of land in the area. 
  • The entire BTD Bend is comprised of multiple parts spanning almost eight river miles and includes multiple features with the design goal to provide surface water flow to the downstream portions of the complex.
  • The Tieville portion of the BTD complex consists of approximately three river miles. The main project elements for the Tieville Bend site was placement of a pumping station to convey river flow to the backwater wetland complex, construction of a pilot channel and stoplog structure at the northern end to potentially link to future construction at Blackbird Bend.
  • Management objectives are restoring and managing habitat primarily for waterfowl and other migratory birds and to develop and maintain backwater areas for spawning and foraging of fish.  

Status:  Open to the public. Construction completed. Site/Habitat is in operations and maintenance status.

Site Use:  The area is available for a variety of outdoor activities including bird watching, hiking, fishing and hunting (under special regulations).

Site-use Regulations:  

  • People visiting these areas must comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, including hunting, fishing, etc.  In general Title 36 Part 327 of the Code of Federal Regulations governs the use of Corps property.  Other regulations may apply to properties owned by other federal agencies.
  • Special regulations and restrictions may be posted on site.

Special-use Regulations:  No target shooting, primitive camping or off-road vehicles permitted.

For More Information

Contact Information: 

  • For Iowa lands, contact Iowa Department of Natural Resources at (712) 420-2437 or visit the IDNR web document.
  • For Nebraska lands, contact the Corps’ Missouri River Project Office at (402) 996-3761.

Story Maps Link:  http://rsgisias.crrel.usace.army.mil/story_maps/nwo/mrrp/index.html#

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