Special Projects Program

The Special Projects Branch assembles project delivery teams to support the nation through homeland security/ defense, disaster and infrastructure work within the Omaha District's Area of Responsibility and beyond.

Customers include Department of Defense and other federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, Department of the Interior, Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Veterans Affairs and others.

Special Projects teams support this mission using internal and external resources, including discretionary and/ or flexible cost reimbursement contract mechanisms to provide national and international, time-sensitive and non time-sensitive project support.

The Special Projects program/ project management services include:

  • Experienced, dedicated project managers, engineers, financial, and construction professionals
  • Expert contracting staff and contract vechiles tailored for specific business lines (portfolios)
  • Concept to completion project management with client involvement through the life of the project
  • Construction management and oversight of actions including working with geographic district resources
  • Problem-solving, challenge resolution through fast-track, no-nonsense, efficient approach

Special Projects Areas

The Special Projects Branch has five primary Special Projects Areas:

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Expand List item 13779Collapse List item 13779  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
The Omaha District Special Projects Branch provides project support for all 10 EPA regional offices including projects to address abandoned hazardous waste under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) at superfund sites, under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and under the EPA Brownfields program, which provides assistance in addressing the presence or potential presence of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants for properties that present complications toward the expansion, redevelopment or reuse of these properties.
Expand List item 13780Collapse List item 13780  International Interagency Support (IIS)

The Omaha District Special Projects Branch provides support to Federal agencies outside the Department of Defense. Among these agencies are: Veterans Administration, U.S. Dept of Commerce, U.S. Department of Agriculture,  Department of Energy, Department of the Interior and its agencies, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Millennium Challenge Corporation, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Expand List item 13781Collapse List item 13781  Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants Mandatory Center of Expertise (POL-MCX)

The Omaha District hosts the Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants Mandatory Center of Expertise (POL-MCX) which offers state-of-the-art engineering and technical expertise in fueling systems to provide design and construction support services to all DoD customers and assists other USACE Districts with program formulation, technical guidance, technology transfer, and coordination with other DoD organizations. Through the POL-MCX, the Special Projects team manages customer requirements through special contracting tools for Military Construction (MILCON), minor MILCON fuels programs, Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization fuels projects, rapid/emergency response and technical assistance. 

Expand List item 13782Collapse List item 13782  Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (FSRM)

Within the Omaha District’s area of responsibility are more than 20 military installations in eight states. The Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (FSRM) arm of the Special Projects program supports operations, maintenance, and facility repair for military installations and for reimbursable work from other DoD agencies. Additionally, the FSRM program can extend beyond the Omaha District to support projects established through the District’s various Centers and Directorates of Expertise with approvals from the geographic major subordinate command, or division with the impacted district's oversight, and in accordance with USACE policy of Area of Responsibilities (Command Services Executive approval).

Expand List item 13783Collapse List item 13783  Contingency Projects - Rapid Response Technical Center of Expertise (RR-TCX)

Through preplaced contracts for Environmental Services (Rapid Response Environmental Services) and Construction (Rapid Disaster and Infrastructure) contracts, the Special Projects program provides time-sensitive project support through the Omaha District’s Rapid Response Directory of Expertise. Rapid Response is the most-established element of the Special Projects program. Established in 1989 and executing more than 700 time-critical responses across the nation, the Special Projects Rapid Response team provides time-critical response and project execution, rapid response project initiation for transition to host District for final execution, cost-reimbursable contract management training, cost-reimbursable contract oversight assistance, on-site support within 72-hours of receipt of funding, on-site support to USACE Team and other Federal Agencies.