Wyoming Regional General Permits

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Permit #ActivityApplicantExpires

RGP-8202-07-RWY: Aquatic Species Habitat
Enhancement and Restoration in Wyoming

Authorizes certain discharges of dredged and fill material for small scale, aquatic species habitat enhancement and restoration projects, provided those activities result in a net increase in aquatic resource functions and services in waters of the United States in Wyoming.General Public12/31/2024
  1. RGP-2302-01-RWY: Irrigation Ditch Related Activities In The State Of Wyoming
  2. RGP-2302-RWY_AppendixA-Memo
  3. RGP-2302-RWY_AppendixB-PCN-Form
  4. RGP-2302-RWY_AppendixC-CompCert
  5. RGP-2302-RWY_WDEQ_401Cert
  6. RGP-2302-RWY_EPA-Tribes_401Cert
Authorizes discharges into irrigation ditches that have minimal individual or cumulative adverse effects on the aquatic environment but that do not qualify for the Clean Water Act section 404(f)(1)(C) exemption because of the recapture provision at section 404(f)(2) or do not qualify for a Nationwide General Permit.General Public10/31/2028

RGP-9202-07-RWY: Construction of Boat Ramps and
Attendant Features in Waters of the U.S. within the
State of Wyoming

Authorizes the discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S. and/or work or structures in navigable waters of the U.S. for construction of new boat ramps, the expansion, extension and modification of existing boat ramps, construction of transfer walls and docks to service boat ramps, and protective fills immediately adjacent to proposed and existing ramps.General Public12/31/2028