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Missouri River Recovery Program (MRRP) Documents

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Expand List item 20869Collapse List item 20869  Adaptive Management

Adaptive Management Technical Guide.

Adaptive Management Fact Sheet

Science and Adaptive Management Plan:

See below section for annual reports beginning with fiscal year 2017.

Expand List item 20740Collapse List item 20740  AM ESA Compliance and Past Annual Reports  

Adaptive Management Annual Reports

2019 AM ESA Compliance Report

2018 AM ESA Compliance Report and Appendices

2017 MRRP Annual Adaptive Management Report and Appendices


Annual Reports for the Missouri River Biological Opinion

[Entire collection of annual reports]

            2015     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010     2009      

2008    2007     2006     2005     2004     2003     2002     2001



Expand List item 20606Collapse List item 20606  Biological Opinions and Biological Assessments

2018 Biological Opinion 

2018 Biological Assessment (with Amendment) [entire collection]

[Superseded] 2003 Amended Biological Opinion

[Superseded] 2003 Executive Summary for the Amended Biological Opinion

[Superseded] 2000 Biological Opinion

[Superseded] 2000 Executive Summary for the Biological Opinion


Expand List item 20870Collapse List item 20870  Effects Analysis
Expand List item 21138Collapse List item 21138  Fact Sheets
Expand List item 20867Collapse List item 20867  Management Plan - Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
Expand List item 20871Collapse List item 20871  Maps
Expand List item 20872Collapse List item 20872  Miscellaneous
Expand List item 21274Collapse List item 21274  Other Programmatic Reports

[Entire Collection of Other Programmatic Documents]

Emergent Sandbar Habitat (ESH) Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Upper Missouri River 2011

Expand List item 20868Collapse List item 20868  Mitigation Documents - not project-specific
Expand List item 20866Collapse List item 20866  Project (Site) Reports
Expand List item 22947Collapse List item 22947  Strategic Plan

Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC) Documents

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Expand List item 20873Collapse List item 20873  Annual Reports

Annual Reports for the Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee

[Entire collection of annual reports]


2023  2022  2021   2020   2019   2018     2017     2016     2015     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010     2009


Expand List item 20878Collapse List item 20878  Application-related Documents
Expand List item 20874Collapse List item 20874  Committee Operations (Charter)
Expand List item 20875Collapse List item 20875  Fact Sheets
Expand List item 20876Collapse List item 20876  Meeting Documents

Documents for upcoming meeting

None are currently available.


Meeting Summaries

December 2023 Plenary Meeting Summary


Expand List item 21245Collapse List item 21245  Other Key Documents
Expand List item 20879Collapse List item 20879  Reading Room

Documents placed here are documents that the Committee wishes to share with persons in the public beyond the Committee.  

This section is not meant to replace online document sharing that is only for Committee members.  Nor will documents be posted here that can be found on other parts of the website.

[Entire Collection]

Current Document(s):

2016 MRRP Biennial Report to Congress 

Expand List item 20877Collapse List item 20877  Recommendations and Responses