US Army Corps of Engineers
Omaha District Website

EIS Moffat News

Record of Decision approves Moffat Collection System Project
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District signs the Record of Decision July 6 approving the Moffat Collection System Project...
Permit decisions scheduled for 2016 on two Colorado Front Range Water resource projects
Permit decisions for Denver Water’s Moffat Collection System Project, and the Municipal Subdistrict of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District’s Windy Gap Firming Project have been...
Moffat Collection System Project Final EIS available for public review
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, is announcing the release of its Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Denver Water’s Moffat Collection System Project, a Colorado Front...
Moffat Project Final EIS to be released
April 25, 2014 set for the release of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Denver Water’s Moffat Collection System Project. At this time the public will have an opportunity to review and...
Moffat Project Final EIS to move toward completion
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, has announced a tentative date for the release of its Final Environmental Impact Statement for Denver Water’s Moffat Collection System Project. With...

Environmental Impact Statement - Moffat Collection System Project

Summary: The Denver Water Board requested a Section 404 Permit (Clean Water Act) from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Regulatory Branch to enlarge the existing Gross Reservoir (near Boulder, Colo.) to supply 18,000 acre-feet per year new firm yield of water to its Moffat Collection System. The Corps is the lead federal agency and has been preparing an Environmental Impact Statement since 2003 to analyze environmental effects. Water supplied to the Moffat Collection System is proposed to be diverted from either West Slope tributaries of the Colorado River or from the South Platte River in the Colorado Front Range. Denver Water's preferred project is to enlarge Gross Reservoir in Boulder County to provide storage for the diverted water.

EIS Milestones
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
September 17, 2003
Public Scoping
November 7, 2003
Publish Notice of Availability of Draft EIS
October 30, 2009
Draft EIS Comments Due
March 17, 2010
Publish Notice of Availability of Final EIS
April 25, 2014
USACE Permit Decision              
     Moffat ROD_06302017_Final with sig.pdf
     Attachment A - Department of the Army 404 Permit Application
     Attachment B - Final EIS Commenter Index & Comment Responses.pdf
     Attachment C - Update to Appendix G-1 of Final EIS.pdf
     Attachment D - 401 Water Qualification Certification.pdf
     Attachment E - Final Mitigation Plan.pdf
     Attachment F - Section 106 Programmatic Agreement.pdf
     Attachment G - Biological Opinions.pdf
     Attachment H - Minimum Monitoring Requirements.pdf

References for Attachment B

References for the ROD

Abele Et Al 2004.pdf
ARNF 2017.pdf 
Apodaca & Bails 1999.pdf BLM 2015.pdf
Behrens & Associates Inc. 2014.pdf CNHP 2015.pdf
Behrens & Associates Inc. 2017.pdf Corps 2003.pdf
Bledsoe & Beeby 2012.pdf CPW 2017.pdf
Bledsoe Et Al 2013.pdf Denver Water 1997.pdf
Boyle 2005.pdf Denver Water 1998.pdf
CDOW 2008.pdf Denver Water 2002.pdf
CEQ 2010.pdf Denver Water 2010.pdf
CEQ 2014.pdf Denver Water 2011.pdf
CEQ 2016.pdf Denver Water 2016.pdf 
CNHP 2015.pdf Denver Water 2017.pdf
Colorado Bat Working Group 2013.pdf ERC 2016.pdf
Corps 2007_Part 1.pdf GEI 2016.pdf
Corps 2007_Part 2.pdf Miller Ecological Consultants Inc. 2015.pdf
CPW No Date.pdf URS 2016.pdf
CWCB 2012.pdf URS 2017.pdf
CWCB 2014.pdf USFS 2016.pdf
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates Inc. 2002.pdf USFWS 2016.PDF
Denver Water 2004.pdf USFWS 2017.pdf
Denver Water 2011a.pdf  
Denver Water 2011b.pdf  
Denver Water 2016a.pdf  
Denver Water 2016b.pdf  
Denver Water 2017.pdf  
Ellison Et Al 2004.pdf  
GEI 2013.pdf  
Harvey Economics 2007.pdf  
Harvey Economics 2008.pdf  
Hawkins 2000.pdf  
Kirkham & Rogers 1981.pdf  
Miller Ecological Consultants Inc. 2015.pdf  
Nehring Et Al 2010.pdf  
Nehring Et Al 2011.pdf  
Reclamation 2015.pdf  
Siskind and Kopp 1987.pdf  
Udall & Overpeck 2017.pdf  
URS 2016.pdf  
USFS 2016.pdf  
July 6, 2017

Final Environmental Impact Statement - Moffat Collection System Project

Final EIS Release Date: April 25, 2014

Permit Applicant: Denver Water

FEIS Prepared by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Regulatory Branch (the Corps Regulatory Branch is neither a proponent nor opponent of the proposed project).

Colorado libraries and offices where a paper copy of the Final EIS is available for review.

Comments Due: June 9, 2014
No public hearings or public meetings will be held for the release of the Final EIS. 

Submit comments in writing to: 

Moffat EIS Project Manager
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
Denver Regulatory Office
9307 S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80128

Fax: 303-979-0602

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Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Moffat Collection System Project

Draft EIS Release Date: October 30, 2009

Public Comments Due: March 17, 2010

Permit Applicant: Denver Water

Prepared by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, Regulatory Branch (the Corps Regulatory Branch is neither a proponent nor opponent of the proposed project).

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Moffat Draft EIS Volume 1
  • Table of Contents
  • Acronyms
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Executive Summary
  • Chapter 1 – Purpose and Need
  • Chapter 2 – Proposed Action and Alternatives

Moffat Draft EIS Volume 2

  • Chapter 3 – Affected Environment

Moffat Draft EIS Volume 3

  • Chapter 4 – Environmental Consequences
  • Chapter 5 – Cumulative Effects
  • Chapter 6 – Consultation and Coordination

Moffat Draft EIS Volume 4

  • Appendix A - Technical Memoranda – Purpose and Need Support
  • Appendix B - Alternatives Screening Information
  • Appendix C - Advanced Water Treatment Process Diagrams and Site Plans
  • Appendix D - Construction Information
  • Appendix E - Surface Water Resources
  • Appendix F - Soils within the Project Area
  • Appendix G - Biological Resources

Moffat Draft EIS Volume 5

  • Appendix H - Hydrologic Data and Platte and Colorado Simulation Model (PACSM) Output

Moffat Draft EIS Volume 6

  • Appendix I - Air Quality Data
  • Appendix J - Public Notices
  • Appendix K - Preliminary Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines Analysis
  • Appendix L - Draft Programmatic Agreement
  • Appendix M - Mitigation Plan

Moffat Draft EIS - Public Hearing Transcripts and Display Boards

Moffat Draft EIS – Index of Comments Received on the Draft EIS