Fact Sheet Manager

  • Omaha District Contracting Forecast

    The Forecast Contracting Opportunities for the Omaha District is provided for informational purposes only. Publication of this list does not constitute a commitment or activation of Omaha District's acquisition process. Formal request for proposals and invitation for bids will be publicized on the Federal Business Opportunity website in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
  • Montana Nationwide Permit 27 Checklist

    This checklist provides assistance to applicants whose aquatic resource restoration projects in Montana are potentially authorized by Nationwide Permit 27 for STREAM AND WETLAND RESTORATION ACTIVITIES. Inclusion of applicable items from the following informational checklist will expedite review of your project.
  • Montana Wetland Boundary Verification Checklist

    All applications for Permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must include a delineation of special aquatic sites, including delineations of wetland boundaries. The content of acceptable wetland delineations is listed below. The same information is required if you are requesting verification of a wetland boundary in conjunction with pre-application reviews.
  • Prohibited / Restricted Materials

    A recent review of the October 2011 Public Notice identified a need for some minor clarifications and corrections regarding discharges of specified materials into waters of the United States under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act within the Omaha District. The prohibitions and restrictions are described within this public notice.
  • Geocaching at Fort Randall

    What is geocaching? Geocaching is an outdoor activity that involves a person placing an item or
  • Levee Safety Action Classification

    The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) works with stakeholders to assess, communicate, and manage
  • Staff Gage Setup Instructions

    Instructions for setting up a staff gage - a long ruler placed in a water body used to measure water surface elevation or to determine the rise/fall of the water surface over time.
  • O&M Manual Addendum Guidance

    This provides a template for an O&M Manual Addendum that illustrates the types of information that should be provided and also offers other guidance on developing an addendum.
  • Sample Request for Assistance Letter

    To request advanced measures or emergency assistance under PL 84-99, use the sample letter below to
  • Sample Section 208 Request Letter

    To request assistance under Section 208, use the sample letter below to provide a written request to the Corps' Omaha District.