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Regulatory Office/ Permits


Regulatory Office/ Permits

 North Dakota

Regulatory Office/ Permits

 South Dakota

Regulatory Office/ Permits


Regulatory Office/ Permits

  • Special Public Notice: Announcement of Availability of the Wyoming Stream Mitigation Tool (WSQT), Version 2.0

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Omaha District, Wyoming Regulatory Office, announces the availability of the Wyoming Stream Mitigation Tool (WSQT), Version 2.0, which includes the Wyoming Stream Impact Tool (WSIT). The purpose of the WSQT v2 is to calculate functional lift and loss associated with reach- scale stream restoration and impact activities. The tool is a calculator that quantifies change between an existing and future stream condition. A main goal of the WSQT is to produce objective, verifiable, and repeatable results by consolidating well-defined procedures for quantitative measures of structural or compositional attributes of a stream and its underlying processes.

  • NWO-1996-21008, Amendment No. 6

    Expiration date: 4/30/2028

    The District Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, 1616 Capitol Avenue, Suite 9000, Omaha, Nebraska 68102-9000 has issued Amendment 6 of Regional General Permit 199621008 (RGP 96-08). The permit authorizes work in waters of the United States (including rivers, lakes, streams and wetland areas) associated with flood protection, reconstruction and repair activities in South Dakota, excluding segments of the Missouri River National Recreation River from river mile 753.60 (Ponca Sate Park, Nebraska) to mile 811.05 (Gavins Point Dam) and from mile 841.00 (near Running Water, South Dakota) to mile 880.00 (Fort Randall Dam). RGP 96-08 was issued in accordance with the "Regulatory Programs of the Corps; Final Rule," as published in the Federal Register, Volume 51, Number 219, dated November 13, 1986.

  • Special Public Notice - WRDA (ND)

    This Special Public Notice announces the decision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District (Corps) to accept and expend funds from the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) to expedite processing of their Department of the Army (DA) permit applications.

  • Special public notice - WRDA

    This Special Public Notice announces the decision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District (Corps) to accept and expend funds from the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) to expedite processing of their Department of the Army (DA) permit applications.

  • Public Notice SPA-2016-00169: Proposed Modification of Colorado Regional General Permit (RGP) 96 – Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood-Related Activities in Colorado

    Expiration date: 4/9/2023

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque and Omaha Districts (Corps), are proposing to modify Regional General Permit (RGP) 96 for Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood-Related Activities in Colorado. This notice is to inform interested parties of the proposed modification of RGP 96 with statewide coverage and to solicit comments.