Regulatory Notice Archive

State Regulatory Offices

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Expand List item 12965Collapse List item 12965  Colorado

Regulatory Office/ Permits

Expand List item 12966Collapse List item 12966  Montana

Regulatory Office/ Permits

Expand List item 12967Collapse List item 12967  Nebraska

Regulatory Office/ Permits

Expand List item 12968Collapse List item 12968  North Dakota

Regulatory Office/ Permits

Expand List item 12969Collapse List item 12969  South Dakota

Regulatory Office/ Permits

Expand List item 12970Collapse List item 12970  Wyoming

Regulatory Office/ Permits

  • NWO-2013-00278-BIS

    Expiration date: 8/5/2024

    The District Engineer, Omaha, is evaluating a permit application from Mountrail County for a 6-mile road reconstruction project on County Road 11 centered on Latitude 48.167466° North, Longitude -102.148896° West. The project would consist of widening the existing embankment to increase existing 1-foot-wide shoulders to 5 feet, extending culverts, and modifying the vertical profile to increase sight distance. The project would result in a permanent loss of 0.90-acre of wetlands and temporary impacts to 0.80-acre. Project impacts are proposed to be offset through purchase of mitigation credits. Work would occur in Sections 1, 2, 11, and 12, Township 154 North, Range 89 West, and Sections 11-14, 23-26, and 35-36, Township 155 North, Range 89 West, Mountrail County, North Dakota.

  • NWO-2005-10198-KEA

    Expiration date: 7/29/2024

    Central Public Power & Irrigation District (CNPPID) is proposing to remove sediment from upstream of its Supply Canal Diversion Dam and deposit it downstream into the Platte River when flow is greater than 150 cfs. The proposed project will also include dredging and discharging into temporary off-site containment areas when the Platte River flow is less than 150 cfs. Sediment from the East Dredge Containment Area will be mechanically discharged into the Platte River when flows are conductive. To improve conveyance downstream of the Diversion Dam, the Platte River channel will be re-directed with the installation of a wing dike to the East Dredge Containment Area for managed mechanical discharge. The proposed wing dike will be 700-foot-long with a 15-foot top width. The wing dike will direct north gate flow from 0 to 3,000 cfs to the East Dredge Containment Area along the south bank of the Platte River via a 1,850-foot-long, 90-foot-wide constructed diversion channel. The wing dike will have a variable bottom width not to exceed 60 feet. The East Dredge Containment Area will also be expanded to allow for greater on-site containment. Annual sand aggradation is anticipated to occur within the constructed channel. To maintain flows, annual mechanized maintenance of the channel will be required to remove aggraded sand/sediment and maintain a 90-foot bottom width and a 0.1% slope, as the depth varies along the channel.

  • NWO-2014-00998-PIE

    Expiration date: 7/13/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District (Corps), is evaluating a permit application submitted by David Howard to construct a bank stabilization bulkhead on his property along 1,514 linear feet of Missouri River shoreline to protect it from further erosion. This notice is to inform interested parties of the proposed activity and to solicit comments. This application is being evaluated under the provisions of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The applicant is proposing to construct a concrete bulkhead along 1,514 linear feet of Missouri River shoreline resulting in the placement 1.29 acres of fill material below elevation 1365. The applicant has lost several acres of personal property through years of erosion. The purpose of this project is to prevent additional loss of personal property due to erosion caused by Missouri River water flow and wave action.

  • NWO-2022-01270-PIE

    Expiration date: 7/18/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District (Corps), is evaluating a permit application submitted by Tim Stenberg of T-squared 1, LLC to construct a residential and commercial development in an unnamed wetland. This notice is to inform interested parties of the proposed activity and to solicit comments. This application is being evaluated under the provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The applicant is proposing to permanently discharge 26,712 cubic yards of clay and gravel fill material into 3.68- acres of palustrine emergent wetland. Based on the available information, the overall project purpose is to provide housing and commercial buildings in Sioux Falls. The applicant’s project purpose, as stated in the application, is to provide the city of Sioux Falls with twenty-five twin homes, a six-acre parcel of apartments, and a 7.46-acre Live Work Zone.


    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, (Corps) is issuing this public notice to inform members of the public of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (Section 404) and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (Section 10). The Corps administers the permitting process for activities in waters of the United States and when activities occur over, in, or under a Section 10 water. This public notice explains when the Corps has jurisdiction over work or activities, what types of Department of Army (DA) permits are available, and how to apply for those permits. Specific emphasis is on emergencies and the permitting process for emergency activities in Nebraska, western Iowa, and South Dakota. For western Iowa this emergency permitting process only applies to the Missouri River and the contiguous wetlands on the Iowa side of the Missouri River.