Archive: March, 2019
  • Clarification provided for owners of private levees seeking Corps assistance

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Emergency Operations Center has received several inquiries from private levee owners. If these levees are not in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) PL84-99 program they are not eligible for USACE rehabilitation assistance. The owners of these levees should work with their County Emergency Management personnel and/or the State Emergency Management to determine if there is assistance available to them.
  • Omaha District completes work on Union Dike Levee

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District completed work yesterday on the Union Dike break repair project near Valley, Nebraska. The breach repair was finished a day ahead of schedule and provides significant public safety benefits to the local area.
  • Draft tiered-EA available for comment on the Hess Hawkeye Pipeline system maintenance project at Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota

    A draft environmental assessment (EA) for a proposal to perform maintenance activities to prevent scour on the existing Hawkeye Pipeline System within Federal lands (Lake Sakakawea) in McKenzie and Williams counties in North Dakota is currently available for public review. Comments must be postmarked or received no later than April 29, 2019.
  • Temporary repairs to Union Dike levee complete

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, completed initial repairs a day earlier than scheduled on the Union Dike levee near Valley, Nebraska.
  • Draft environmental assessment for rehabilitation at Bluestem and Antelope Creek Dam sites in Nebraska available for public review

    A draft environmental assessment for a proposed rehabilitation project at two Salt Creek Dam sites in Nebraska is currently available for public review. The draft EA evaluates the environmental impacts of installing filters to address potential seepage issues at Bluestem Dam (located approximately two miles west of Sprague) and Antelope Creek Dam, also known as Holmes Lake (located within the City of Lincoln between South 56th Street and South 70th Street).
  • Omaha District assesses damage as water recedes

    Out of 54 confirmed breaches and overtoppings, only one levee in the U.S. Army Corps of engineers, Omaha Distric's area remains overtopped.
  • Big Bend right tailrace boat ramp closed

    The right tailrace boat ramp at Big Bend Dam, South Dakota, is closed due to high water.
  • Work nears completion on Union Dike levee

    In today’s daily update of current flood fight efforts, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, is close to wrapping up temporary restoration of the Union Dike levee breach repair, near Valley, Nebraska. The breach has been closed and work continues to build the levee to meet federal standards. Work is expected to take a total of six work days to complete and is scheduled to be Wednesday, Mar 27.
  • Work resumes on repairing Union Dike levee

    In today’s daily update of current flood fight efforts, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, resumed work on the Union Dike levee breach repair, near Valley, Nebraska, after a one day weather-caused delay. The breach has been closed and work continues to build the levee to meet federal standards. Work is expected to take a total of six work days to complete and is scheduled to be completed Friday.
  • Corps provides update regarding system restoration activities

    Due to record unregulated runoffs across Nebraska and Iowa, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District has deployed teams across the Upper Missouri River Basin to continue to provide both technical and direct support.