Archive: June, 2018
  • Be aware of debris, wakes during elevated water levels

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wants to remind water recreationists on Lake Sakakawea to be cautious and watchout for potential safety hazards due to high water levels.
  • Draft EA for surplus water use at Lewis and Clark Lake, NE available for public comment

    A draft environmental assessment for a surplus water request at Lewis and Clark Lake in Nebraska is currently available for public review. The draft EA evaluates the use of surplus water and the environmental impacts of installing and operating a water intake structure to withdraw 1.33 acre-feet per year for domestic use on private property. Comments must be received or postmarked by July 30, 2018.
  • Draft EA for surplus water use at Lake Francis Case, SD available for public comment

    A draft environmental assessment for a surplus water request at Lake Francis Case in South Dakota is currently available for public review. The draft EA evaluates the use of surplus water and the environmental impacts of replacing aging infrastructure to allow an additional 3,358 acre-feet to be used for municipal purposes by the Randall Community Water District (RCWD). Comments must be received or postmarked by July 30, 2018.
  • MRRIC webinar plenary meeting open to the public

    MRRIC will be holding a webinar plenary meeting on Wednesday, June 27 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Central to come to final consensus on their recommendations from the May plenary meeting that was held in Sioux Falls SD.
  • Missouri River sandbars closed during nesting season

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reminds residents that many sandbars with active piping plover and interior least tern nests are closed for recreational use during the nesting season which runs from mid-May through August
  • Corps extends public comment period for Missouri River Emergent Sandbar Habitat project near Washburn, ND

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will extend the public comment period to July 6 for the draft environmental assessment of the proposed Missouri River Emergent Sandbar Habitat project near Washburn, North Dakota.
  • East Totten Trail Temporary Ramp Closure

    East Totten Trail Temporary Ramp Closure at Lake Audubon to notify the public. The ramp will be closed starting June 18th for a two week time frame and will have impacts to those wanting to boat/fish in the area.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Releases Work Plan for Fiscal 2018 Civil Works Appropriations

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) delivered to Congress its Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2018) work plan for the Army Civil Works program on Thursday, June 7.
  • Garrison Dam releases increased

    In order to meet the 44,000 cfs release, the Garrison Project initiated releases of 3,000 cfs through its regulating tunnels. This release supplements the 41,000 cfs release through the power plant for a combined release of 44,000 cfs.
  • Corps seeks comments on draft feasibility report/environmental assessment for ecosystem restoration study in Denver, Colorado

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking comments on the recently released draft feasibility report and integrated environmental assessment which outlines a proposed plan to restore approximately 2.4 miles of degraded ecosystem along the South Platte River, from West Mississippi Avenue upstream to West Yale Avenue, in Denver, Colorado. Comments can on the proposed plan can be provided during an open house scheduled on Monday, June 18, 2018 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Decker Branch Library, 1501 S. Logan Street in Denver.