Archive: 2013
  • Draft feasibility report for stream bank restoration near Scribner, Neb. available for review

    A draft feasibility report and environmental assessment for stream bank restoration near Scribner, Neb. is currently available for public review. The report identifies alternatives to provide stream bank protection to prohibit rapid erosion on the east bank of the Elkhorn River, Dodge County, Neb. Public infrastructure being protected includes County Road F and the bridge.
  • What's in the Final Chatfield Reservoir Storage Reallocation Reports?

    The Final Chatfield Reservoir Storage Reallocation Feasibility Report/Environmental Impact Statement (FR/EIS) was released for public review on August 2. Following the scheduled September 3 close of the public comment period, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District will prepare a submittal package with a recommended action for the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works to approve. The Corps was required to provide an Environmental Impact Statement, which outlines the potential impacts to the environment and existing purpose of the project as well as provide solutions for minimizing or mitigating those impacts.
  • Missouri River emergent sandbar habitat restoration (North Dakota) final assessment available for download

    The final Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact for the restoration of emergent sandbar habitat complexes in the Missouri River (North Dakota) has been approved and is available for download. The final EA determined that there are no significant impacts associated with removing and preventing vegetation on emergent sandbar habitat located within the Garrison River reach and upper Lake Oahe of the Missouri River between river mile 1381.0 and 1278.0.
  • Vegetation control to begin on Missouri River sandbars between Pickstown, S.D. and Ponca, Neb.

    From September 3 through September 20, 2013, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will have a contractor spraying sandbars in the Missouri River between Pickstown, S.D. and Ponca, Neb. with aquatically-approved herbicides for vegetation control on emergent sandbar habitat. Approximately 10 sandbars will be treated in the Pickstown to Niobrara reach (river miles 870.0 to 846.0) and approximately 30 sandbars will be treated in the Yankton to Ponca reach (river miles 805.0 to 754.0).
  • Public review begins for Middle Decatur Bend shallow water habitat project

    A draft supplemental environmental assessment for the restoration of shallow water habitat at Middle Decatur Bend in Burt County, Neb., is currently available for public review. The draft supplemental EA evaluates the environmental impacts of restoring the connection between Middle Decatur’s backwater lake and the Missouri River.
  • Chatfield Reservoir Storage Reallocation Reports available for public review

    The Final Feasibility Study / Environmental Impact Statement for the Chatfield Reservoir Storage Reallocation, Littleton, Colo. is available for review. The final report identifies and compares four main alternatives and outlines in detail the preferred alternative for reallocating storage space in the Chatfield Reservoir for joint flood control- conservation purposes, including storage for municipal and industrial water supply, agriculture, environmental restoration and recreation and fishery habitat protection and enhancement.
  • Cold Brook Reservoir lowered three feet

    Cold Brook Reservoir near Hot Springs, S.D., was recently drawn down by more than 3 1/2 feet to allow for construction work on a handicapped accessible pier. Work on the pier will begin August 16. Work to improve the beach is expected to begin in September.
  • Draft Project Implementation Report for shallow water habitat creation at Indian Cave State Park available for public comment

    A draft Project Implementation Report with Integrated Environmental Assessment and Section 404(b)(1) Water Quality Evaluation for shallow water habitat creation at Indian Cave State Park in Richardson County, Nebraska is currently available for public review. Approximately 20 acres of shallow water habitat will be created during this project.
  • Draft Project Implementation Report for shallow water habitat creation at Wilson Island State Recreation Area and DeSoto Bend National Wildlife Refuge available for public comment

    A draft Project Implementation Report with Integrated Environmental Assessment and Section 404(b)(1) Water Quality Evaluation for shallow water habitat creation at Wilson Island State Recreation Area in Pottawattamie County, Iowa and at DeSoto Bend National Wildlife Refuge in Harrison County, Iowa is currently available for public review. Approximately 67 acres of shallow water habitat will be created during this project.
  • Public comment for Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment, Eurasian watermilfoil control at Fort Peck Reservoir, Mont. sought

    A draft supplemental environmental assessment (EA) for the control of Eurasian watermilfoil at the Fort Peck Reservoir, Mont. is currently available for public review. The draft supplemental EA evaluates the environmental impacts of controlling the spread of this noxious weed through application of herbicides approved for aquatic sites, penoxsulam and flumioxazin, in conjunction with the use of a barrier curtain.