Archive: December, 2013
  • Draft Environmental Impact Statement to be prepared for Cherry Creek Dam, Aurora, Colo.

    A draft Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District to address environmental issues related to remediation alternatives that will be proposed at the conclusion of a Dam Safety Modification Study for the Cherry Creek Dam in Aurora, Colo. Public scoping meetings will be held in 2014 within the local Cherry Creek Dam project area to present information regarding the array of remediation alternatives that may be addressed in the draft EIS, receive public comments, and solicit input regarding dam safety issues, additional remediation alternatives to consider, and other environmental issues of concern to the public.
  • Garrison Project 2013-2014 Winter Access Policy now available

    The 2013-2014 winter access policy released by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Garrison Project identifies 55 points of entry to Lake Sakakawea. The Lake has not yet completely frozen over, but with the recent cold weather it won’t be long. The Omaha District urges everyone to exercise extreme caution. Thin ice or open water may exist near springs and pressure ridges throughout the winter.
  • Fort Peck Interpretive Center announces winter schedule

    The Fort Peck Interpretive Center will operate under an appointment-based system this winter due to low seasonal visitation and budget constraints. The Center will not have set hours for the months of December, January and February. Groups who would like to use the meeting room or individuals and families who want to tour the facility will need to make an appointment in advance during weekdays by calling the Interpretive Center at (406) 526-3493 or the Project Office at (406) 526-3411.