Missouri River Water Management News

Missouri River Water Management News Releases are available on the Northwestern Division website.RSS Feed

  • Vegetation control set for Missouri River sandbars between Pickstown, SD and Ponca, NE

    During September, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will conduct vegetation management activities on sandbars in the Missouri River between Pickstown, SD and Ponca, NE. Approximately 1,500 acres have been identified for treatment in 2016 by a team of federal and state representatives. This work is being done to keep the sandbars free of vegetation and usable by the endangered interior least tern and threatened piping plover for nesting.
  • Draft PIR for Langdon Bend available for review

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has released a draft project implementation report (PIR) with integrated environmental assessment (EA) for the Langdon Bend Interception and Rearing Complex Habitat Project in Nemaha County and will schedule a public meeting in July to solicit comments on the project. Comments on the draft PIR/EA must be postmarked or received by July 20, 2016.
  • Contract awarded for repairs to backwater site at Ponca State Park

    A contract for $1.75 million was awarded to Western Contracting Corporation of Sioux City, Iowa for repairs to a backwater site located within the Ponca State Park boundaries in Dixon County, Neb. Repairs are needed to restore the intended habitat function of the site and prevent it from degrading further.
  • Contract awarded for adaptive management at Sandy Point Bend chute complex

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Omaha District has awarded a $577,000 contract to Western Contracting of Sioux City, Iowa for adaptive management at the Sandy Point Bend chute complex in Harrison County, Iowa. Work will begin in late October with completion expected by the end of December 2015.
  • Contract awarded for repairs to shallow water habitat at Fawn Island

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Omaha District has awarded a contract for $1.17 million to Newt Marine Service of Dubuque, Iowa for repairs to shallow water habitat at Fawn Island in Harrison County, Iowa. Work will begin in October with completion expected by April 2016.
  • Public meeting scheduled for Copeland Bend and Langdon Bend shallow water habitat sites

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold a public scoping meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 20, at the Lewis and Clark Missouri River Visitors Center, located on 100 Valmont Drive, in Nebraska City, Neb. The purpose of the meeting is to seek public input on the development of shallow water habitat at two Missouri River Recovery Program sites: Copeland Bend located east of Nebraska City in Fremont County, Iowa, and Langdon Bend located two miles east of Nemaha, Neb.
  • Draft Supplemental EA for repairs to Ponca backwater site available for comment

    A draft supplemental environmental assessment for repairs to the Ponca State Park backwater site in Dixon County, Neb. is currently available for public review. The EA evaluates the environmental impacts of repairing damages that occurred to the chute during the 2011 Missouri River flood. These repairs are needed to restore the intended habitat function of the Ponca site and prevent it from degrading further. Comments are due August 26, 2015.
  • Comments sought on Draft Supplemental EA for adaptive management to Sandy Point Bend chute complex

    A draft supplemental environmental assessment for adaptive management to the Sandy Point Bend chute complex in Harrison County, Iowa is currently available for public review. The EA evaluates the environmental impacts of adaptive management measures to maintain shallow water habitat quality within the chute complex and prevent impacts to the adjacent navigation channel. Comments are due August 21, 2015.
  • Comments sought on Draft Supplemental EA for repairs to Fawn Island chute

    A draft supplemental environmental assessment for repairs to the Fawn Island chute in Harrison County, Iowa is currently available for public review. The EA evaluates the environmental impacts of repairing damages that occurred to the chute during the 2011 Missouri River flood. These repairs are needed to restore the intended habitat function of Fawn Island and prevent it from degrading further. Comments are due August 10, 2015.
  • Contract awarded to build shallow water habitat at Middle Decatur Bend, Burt Co., NE

    The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has awarded a contract to Commercial Contractors Equipment, Inc., of Lincoln, Neb. for $1,747,090 to construct shallow water habitat at Middle Decatur Bend in Burt County, Neb. The project will be constructed on land owned by the Corps, and will result in the creation of 11 acres of shallow water habitat that is intended to benefit the federally endangered pallid sturgeon and other native fish and wildlife species.