Missouri River Water Management News

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Levee sponsors, USACE, meet for annual flood fight training

Published Feb. 26, 2016
As part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District's annual flood fight training program, attendees, learned flood fight measures such as placing and filling HESCO bastions.

As part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District's annual flood fight training program, attendees, learned flood fight measures such as placing and filling HESCO bastions.

More than 100 flood risk reduction project sponsors in the PL 84-99 program, USACE flood fight personnel, and State and County Emergency Managers from the Omaha area attended annual Flood Fight training February 23. Training topics included PL 84-99 authorities, spring flood outlook, flood fighting, levee safety, the levee inspection program, flood risk management.

More than 100 flood risk reduction project sponsors in the PL 84-99 program, USACE flood fight personnel, and State and County Emergency Managers from the Omaha area attended annual Flood Fight training February 23. Training topics included PL 84-99 authorities, spring flood outlook, flood fighting, levee safety, the levee inspection program, flood risk management.

USACE Levee Systems reduce risk but do not eliminate it. Levee concerns include vegetation, encroachments, erosion, cracks, tree roots, animal burrows, rutting, settling, riprap, sloughing and damaged drainage structures. Understanding risk exposure and the consequences, is part of community preparedness efforts to protect public safety.

USACE Levee Systems reduce risk but do not eliminate it. Levee concerns include vegetation, encroachments, erosion, cracks, tree roots, animal burrows, rutting, settling, riprap, sloughing and damaged drainage structures. Understanding risk exposure and the consequences, is part of community preparedness efforts to protect public safety.

OMAHA, Neb. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Emergency Management Office held its annual Flood Fight training on February 23.

More than 100 people attended the training which focused on flood risk reduction for project sponsors in the PL 84-99 program, USACE flood fight teams, and State and County Emergency Managers near Omaha, Nebraska.

Training topics included PL 84-99 authorities, spring flood outlook, flood fighting, levee safety, rehabilitation program, inspection program, flood risk management, and geophysical testing of soils.

The following items were presented during the training:

Eileen Williamson
Nicole Cominoli

Release no. 20160223-001