Expiration date: 8/8/2021
A draft environmental assessment has been prepared to review the proposed Nebraska Game and Parks Commission maintenance and aquatic habitat rehabilitation project at Wagon Train Reservoir in Hickman, Nebraska –Lancaster County. The project would improve water quality, reduce sedimentation and shoreline erosion, improve recreational features, and enhance aquatic habitat. This would include drawing down the reservoir from the multipurpose pool elevation of 1,287.8 feet to approximately 1,276 feet in the late fall of 2021. Drawdown would occur to facilitate removal of accumulated sediment in the existing sediment basins, modification of the sediment basins to alter flow for increased capacity, repair of breakwaters, improvements for angler access, maintenance and enhancement of recreational features and installation of fish habitat features and would be maintained at drawdown for the duration of the project and allowed to refill in spring of 2022.