Project Reports

  • Lake Cunningham final EA available

    The final environmental assessment for the Lake Cunningham is now available to view online.

  • USACE seeks public comment on environmental assessment to evaluate impacts of proposed improvements to County Road 9 at White Earth Bay

    Expiration date: 9/17/2021

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District is seeking public comment on an environmental assessment for a proposed project on Mountrail County Road 9 at White Earth Bay, North Dakota through Sept. 17, 2021. The proposed project entails improvement to 2.75 linear miles of Road 9 as well as the workspace needed to complete the project on USACE-managed land within Township 154N Range 94 W Sections 21, 26-28, & 35, at Lake Sakakawea, Mountrail County, North Dakota.

  • Draft Environmental Assessment for Wagon Train Reservoir wildlife management area, state recreation area sediment basin maintenance in Hickman, Nebraska available for comment

    Expiration date: 8/8/2021

    A draft environmental assessment has been prepared to review the proposed Nebraska Game and Parks Commission maintenance and aquatic habitat rehabilitation project at Wagon Train Reservoir in Hickman, Nebraska –Lancaster County. The project would improve water quality, reduce sedimentation and shoreline erosion, improve recreational features, and enhance aquatic habitat. This would include drawing down the reservoir from the multipurpose pool elevation of 1,287.8 feet to approximately 1,276 feet in the late fall of 2021. Drawdown would occur to facilitate removal of accumulated sediment in the existing sediment basins, modification of the sediment basins to alter flow for increased capacity, repair of breakwaters, improvements for angler access, maintenance and enhancement of recreational features and installation of fish habitat features and would be maintained at drawdown for the duration of the project and allowed to refill in spring of 2022.

  • Draft EA - Ramberg to Mandan and Berthold Pipeline system maintenance project, Little Missouri River near Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota

    Expiration date: 7/7/2021

    The draft EA analyzes environmental impacts of completing maintenance and stabilization activities to prevent damage to two existing crude oil pipelines, the Ramberg to Mandan and Berthold Pipelines, due to erosion from wave, wind and ice action of the Little Missouri River in Dunn County, N.D. The Ramberg-Mandan pipeline extends from Ramberg Station (south of Tioga) to the refinery in Mandan, N.D. and the Berthold pipeline extends from the Johnson’s Corner area (east of Watford City) to Dunn Center Station (east of Dunn Center, N.D.).

  • Draft EA - Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project - Napolean, ND

    Expiration date: 5/28/2021

    The draft EA evaluates the impacts of capital improvements in the city of Napolean, ND under Section 594 of the 1999 Water Resources Development Act.