Archive: 2020
  • May

    Dam safety remains top priority amidst COVID-19 challenges

    Despite the challenges of social distancing due to COVID-19, dam safety remains a risk management practice for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Omaha District. Recently a dam safety inspection team conducted its periodic inspection of the Salt Creek Dam Site 2, Olive Creek Dam south of Lincoln, Nebraska.
  • Combat veteran’s transition from service to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    Many service members who retire or separate from the military continue to serve their country as Department of Defense employees because they possess specialized training and experiences highly sought after by the federal civilian workforce.
  • USACE helps Montana, FEMA prepare for COVID-19 future

    In the three and a half months since the first COVID-19 case was diagnosed in the U.S., the state of Montana has the second lowest number of total cases, and the lowest number of cases per capita of any state in the country. Those low numbers did not stop the state’s leaders and FEMA from enlisting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, to prepare for the future fight against the virus.
  • Assessments critical step in battling COVID-19 pandemic

    When the COVID-19 pandemic started to spread throughout the Midwest, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, was tasked by FEMA to start assessing sites for possible use as alternate care facilities.
  • April

    Omaha District balances COVID-19 mission support, employee safety

    Shortly after the federal government declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Col. John Hudson, commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, took aggressive steps to protect the district’s military and civilian workforce - while maintaining mission readiness and support.

News from around USACE

Acting ASD Rebecca Zimmerman Tours Lahaina Recovery
Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs, Rebecca Zimmerman, visited Maui August 29, 2024 where she visited key project sites and met with key leaders to...
Spellmon Departs Army, Leaves Lasting Legacy
After 38 years of service, the active-duty Army career of Lt. Gen. Scott Spellmon comes to a close tomorrow as he retires from military service in a ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall’s Conmy...
USACE Chief of Engineers signs Western Everglades Restoration Plan Report
JACKSONVILLE, Fla (Sept. 11, 2024) – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanding General and 55th Chief of Engineers, Lt. Gen. Scott A. Spellmon signed the Chief’s Report Sept. 11, 2024, for the...
ERDC-CRREL scientists install sensor-laden buoys in one of the planet’s “hardest places” to reach
As part of NASA's ARCSIX research program, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory scientists Dr. Chris Polashenski, Tricia Nelsen...