Archive: March, 2015
  • Spillway gate repair to restart for season at Gavins Point Dam

    Repairs to the spillway gates at Gavins Point Dam near Yankton, SD are set to continue Monday, March 23. The repairs, which began in 2014, include the inspection, repair, and painting of the 14 gates. The crest road that crosses the Gavins Point dam will experience periodic road and lane closures through the duration of construction.
  • Draft EAs for repairs near Lincoln, NE levees available for public comment

    Two draft environmental assessments for bank repairs to levees along Antelope Creek and Salt Creek near Lincoln in Lancaster County, Neb. are currently available for public review. The draft EAs evaluate the environmental impacts of repairing damage caused by high flows in October 2014 to one area along the Antelope Creek flood protection project and 17 areas along the Salt Creek flood protection project.