Missouri River Water Management News

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Tag: Shell Creek
  • Corps to begin levee construction project along Shell Creek in Schuyler, Neb.

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, in partnership with the city of Schuyler and the Lower Platte North Natural Resources District, has begun construction of a 2.5-mile levee along Shell Creek north and east of Schuyler and is marking the occasion with a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, March 27th starting at 10:15 a.m. The formal ceremony will begin at the Oak Ballroom, 175 Higgins Drive in Schuyler. Afterwards attendees will be encouraged to gather at the dig site located near East 22nd Street and Old Highway 30 (now Road E) by the old drive-in movie theatre to break ground.
  • Shell Creek Levee Project at Schuyler, Nebraska

    The city of Schuyler, the Lower Platte North Natural Resources District, and the Corps of Engineers are partnering on a project to reduce flood risks within Schuyler, Neb. A feasibility study (completed in September 2011) identified an economically feasible project consisting of two levee systems, one for the Shell Creek and one for the Platte River.