Missouri River Water Management News

Missouri River Water Management News Releases are available on the Northwestern Division website.RSS Feed

Category: Recreation
  • Memorial Day Weekend Programs at Gavins Point Project

    Memorial Day Weekend programs at Gavins Point Project are going to the birds. Join U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Park Rangers for several programs about our feathered friends.
  • Piping plover arrive in North Dakota

    Some areas around Lake Sakakawea where Piping Plovers typically nest are inaccessible during this year's nesting season. Park rangers and biologists from several agencies have observed many of the birds at area boat ramps. As the mountain snowpack begins to melt and the runoff arrives at Lake Sakakawea, rising lake elevations reduce the available nesting habitat near the lake and lead to birds nesting in marina parking lots and boat ramp areas. If you discover what appears to be a Plover nest along Lake Sakakawea, or have questions about Piping Plovers, please call the USACE office in Riverdale, N.D. at 701-654-7759.
  • Gavins Point Dam Road Closed May 19-23

    Crest Road, the road that crosses the Gavins Point Dam near Yankton, S.D., will be closed from 8 a.m. Monday, May 19 through noon Friday, May 23. The public is asked to plan on an alternate route of travel during this time.
  • National Safe Boating Week, May 17-23, 2014

    National Safe Boating Week, May 17-23, 2014, is the official launch of the 2014 Safe Boating Campaign. This yearlong campaign promotes safe and responsible boating and the value of life jacket wear by recreational boaters.
  • Powerhouse tours, camping and day use fees and dates for Lake Sakakawea announced

    Dates and times for Garrison Dam and Lake Sakakawea are now available for the 2014 recreation season. Powerhouse tours at the Garrison Dam Power Plant will begin June 5 and continue through August 2. Tours will be conducted every Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 2:00 p.m. Campgrounds will begin opening May 1. Reservations can be made by calling 1-877-444-6777 or visiting Recreation.gov.
  • Gavins Point releases will divert to spillway beginning March 26

    Due to maintenance and repairs at the Gavins Point Dam power plant, water releases, which normally run through the powerhouse, will be diverted to the spillway beginning Wednesday, March 26. "We are releasing the same amount of water that we normally would. The difference is, it will be more visible to the public because we will be using the spillway instead of the powerhouse," said Dave Becker, Operations Project Manager for Gavins Point.
  • Garrison powerhouse summer tour schedule updated

    Walk-in tours of the Garrison Dam will be available from June 5 through August 2. Tours will be held on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 2 p.m., Central Daylight Time. Due to increased security, visitors for powerhouse tours should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the tour and visitors over 18 years old must show a government issued photo ID. Scheduled tours are also available by calling (701) 654-7411.
  • Lewis and Clark Visitor Center opens

    The Lewis and Clark Visitor Center, in Yankton, S.D. at the Gavins Point Dam will reopen Monday, Feb. 3. Hours will be Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center is located on Nebraska Highway 121 near Crofton, Neb.
  • Bald Eagle Days at Gavins Point Dam scheduled for Jan. 25 and 26

    Bald Eagle Days, sponsored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the National Park Service, is set for Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 25 and 26 at the Lewis and Clark Visitor Center at Gavins Point Dam near Yankton, S.D. The programs will be at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. 3 p.m. each day and are free to the public. The programs will feature several live raptors, including a Bald Eagle. Each program is limited to 70 people.
  • Can you read this picture?

    #GetthePicture #One2Many #OmahaUSACE #WaterSafety What's this about? This graphic launches a year-long social media water safety game. Each Monday, we will offer a rebus puzzle with a water or recreation safety message. Followers can guess the message, which will be revealed each Thursday. #One2Many is the Omaha District water safety campaign hashtag designed to communicate that one accident, one death and one unworn life jacket is too many.