OMAHA, Neb. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in cooperation with the city of Sheridan, Wyo., will hold a public meeting on Thursday, April 30, 2015 at the Best Western, 612 N. Main Street, to gather input on an ecosystem restoration feasibility study in Sheridan.
The public meeting will run from 5:30 to 7 p.m. with a brief presentation describing the study followed by an open house. “During the open house, the public will have an opportunity to provide input on some of the ecosystem problems that exist along four reaches of the Goose Creeks,” said Jeff Greenwald, project manager with the Corps of Engineers. “The Corps and the city of Sheridan will also discuss and seek public input on combining recreation features with the ecosystem restoration solutions where possible.”
Input may be submitted at the public meeting, emailed to or mailed to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District; CENWO-PM-AA; ATTN: Sheridan Section 1135 Study Project Manager; 1616 Capitol Avenue; Omaha, NE 68102-4901. For more information, visit
BACKGROUND: In 1963, construction of the Sheridan flood control project was completed under the authority of the Flood Control Act of 1950. The project, designed to protect the city from Goose Creek and Little Goose Creek flood discharges, consists of levees, drainage structures, concrete chutes and drop structures, and channel alterations. Although the flood control project is operating as intended, the ecosystem in the vicinity of the project has become severely degraded. In September 2014, the Sheridan City Council approved an agreement to partner with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on a feasibility study to evaluate possible ecosystem restoration solutions along the creeks. The feasibility study, which is expected to last approximately three years, is being conducted under Section 1135 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 which allows the Corps to modify existing Corps projects for improvement of the environment.
Release no. 20150417-001