Missouri River Water Management News

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Gavins Point releases will divert to spillway beginning March 26

Published March 25, 2014
Aerial view of Gavins Point embankment, spillway and powerplant

Aerial view of Gavins Point embankment, spillway and powerplant

YANKTON, S.D. – Because of maintenance and repair work taking place at the Gavins Point Dam power plant, the project will be diverting releases, which normally run through the powerhouse, to the spillway.

An extended period of water releases through the spillway at the Gavins Point Dam will begin Wednesday, March 26.

The spillway water releases, which will continue through mid-summer, are necessary to allow staff and contractors to replace equipment in the powerplant.

"We are releasing the same amount of water that we normally would. The difference is, it will be more visible to the public because we will be using the spillway instead of the powerhouse," said Dave Becker, Operations Project Manager for Gavins Point. "Our goal is to ensure the public is aware of the releases from the spillway, and for boaters to follow the restrictions and be aware of potentially hazardous conditions." 

Boating restrictions will be in place on the Missouri River below Gavins Point Dam during this time. When water is released through the spillway, hazardous conditions may exist for vessels on the river and boaters are urged to use caution. The restricted area for boats is marked by signs located on the north and south bank of the Missouri River approximately 500 yards below the spillway. During spillway releases, boaters will not be allowed to go upstream of these signs.

The Missouri River Basin Water Management Division will continue to adjust release rates from the project to reduce flood risk and to meet navigation and other downstream requirements. Operation of the reservoir system is continually reviewed and adjusted to respond to changing conditions in the basin.

Karla Zeutenhorst

Release no. 20140325-001