Missouri River Water Management News

Missouri River Water Management News Releases are available on the Northwestern Division website.RSS Feed

Generator maintenance will result in water releases through spillway gates at Gavins Point Dam

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Gavins Point Project
Published Sept. 16, 2021
Gavins Point Dam, South Dakota

Gavins Point Dam, South Dakota

YANKTON, S.D. – Maintenance on the generators at Gavins Point Powerplant near Yankton, South Dakota, will result in the need to release water through the spillway gates through Sept. 30.  

Each of the three generators will be individually shut down over the next three weeks for zebra mussel removal. When the generators are shut down water will be released through spillway gates. This will happen Monday – Thursday from now through September 30. The gates will not be open Friday – Sunday.

With any spillway release, boaters are required to stay downstream of the signs located on the north and south banks of the Missouri River. The increased water through the spillway will cause turbulent condition on the river below Gavins Point Dam. Boaters are urged to use extra caution and wear their life jackets any time you are on the water, but especially during spillway flows.

People can stay informed by checking our web site, www.nwo.usace.army.mil/gavinspoint, Facebook page, facebook.com/USACEGavins, or by calling (402) 667-2546.

Karla Zeutenhorst

Release no. 21-059