Missouri River Water Management News

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Gavins Point Dam powerplant generators will be shut down for inspection

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Published May 7, 2021

YANKTON, S.D. –   The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District announces that all three generators at the Gavins Point Dam powerplant will be shut down to allow for the underwater inspection of the draft tube gate slots on the downstream side of the powerplant. During this outage, all 14 spillway gates will be open to meet the authorized purposes downstream.

The generators will be shut down starting at noon on Tuesday, May 11 and will remain off until 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 14. The shutdown is necessary to operate a computerized remote underwater vehicle that will enable crews to get photos and video of the slots used in draft tube gate closing. Crews will be in a boat near the powerplant to launch and monitor the remote underwater vehicle. The draft tube gates are used primarily when a generator is shut down, as it is yearly for maintenance.

During the outage, all water will flow through the spillway gates. All 14 tainter gates will be open approximately two feet. It is anticipated that releases will be between 29,000 and 30,000 cfs from May 11-13.

With any spillway release, boaters are required to stay downstream of the signs located on the north and south banks of the Missouri River. The increased water through the spillway will cause turbulent condition on the river below Gavins Point Dam. Boaters are urged to use extra caution and wear their life jackets any time you are on the water, but especially during spillway flows.

Karla Zeutenhorst

Release no. 21-034