OMAHA, Neb.- -- Reservoir releases are being increased today from Pipestem Dam, North Dakota, to begin evacuating storage in the flood control pool. Releases are being reduced from nearby Jamestown Dam as it nears its target elevation of 1431.0 feet, the base of the exclusive flood control pool.
The current pool elevation at Jamestown Dam is 1432.2 ft, less than 2% into its flood pool. The reservoir continues to drop after reaching its peak pool elevation earlier this year, and is expected to reach its target elevation next week. Releases are being reduced from 800 cubic feet per second to 600 cfs today. Lake levels peaked this year on April 16 at 1439.7 ft, about 20% into its flood pool.
The current pool elevation at Pipestem Dam is 1479.3 ft, almost 53% into its flood pool. The reservoir has been stable the past few days, and will begin to drop as releases are increased. Releases are being increased from 50 cfs to 250 cfs today. The goal for Pipestem Dam operation is to set a constant release over the summer, targeting the base of the flood control pool (1442.5 ft) by Sept. 1.
The total combined releases will remain constant at 850 cfs with these release changes. Next week, additional release changes from both dams are expected as Jamestown Dam is evacuated and Pipestem Dam releases are stepped up to its summer release.
Release no. 20-066