Expiration date: 5/20/2024
District Engineer (Omaha) is evaluating a site plan submitted by North Central Mitigation, LLC (NCM) to add as an addendum to their Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument approved on April 6, 2020. The Little Family Farms Mitigation Bank Site consists of 272.49 acres located near Wyndmere in the NW¼, SW¼ and part of the SE¼ of Section 36, Township 133 North, Range 53 West, centered on Latitude 46.287198° North, Longitude -97.290012° West, Ransom County, North Dakota. Originally proposed as a standalone mitigation bank and the Corps solicited comments in 2019. The site plan was modified and recently proposed as an addendum to NCMs UMBI. A total of seven depressional wetland sites are included in the site plan. There are 139.91 acres of restorable wetlands, 32.69 acres of wetlands that would be enhanced, 0.55-acre of wetlands preserved, 2.77 acres of wetlands created and 60.57 acres of upland buffer. An additional 36 acres of existing wetlands extend beyond the easement boundary. The site is expected to generate 160.01 credits to be used to offset unavoidable impacts in the Red River Basin Regional Service Area.