Emergency Management News Releases

Category: Missouri Valley IA
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Emergency Operations News

Emergency Operations news releases are published during an activation of the Omaha District Emergency Operations Center. These releases also appear on the front page of the District Web site and the Emergency Management Web page.
Category: Missouri Valley IA
  • Omaha District assisting communities along the South Platte River in Nebraska

    The State of Nebraska has requested assistance from the Omaha District following the National Weather Service issuing river level forecasts in flood stage along the South Platte River. District Personnel are in Big Springs, Neb., to evaluate potential concerns and advise local emergency managers about potential measures for reducing flooding risks. Residents along the South Platte River downstream from Denver, Colo., and in western Nebraska should monitor river level forecasts from the National Weather Service and make preparations to minimize damages from high river levels.
  • Cherry Creek and Bear Creek Dams begin making small water releases

    To meet water supply requirements in the Denver area, two of the three Denver-area reservoirs operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District will begin making small water releases today. Chatfield Lake remains 5.5 feet below the base of the flood control pool and no releases are scheduled. Releases from Bear Creek Dam will be 250 cubic feet per second and releases from Cherry Creek Dam will be 40 cfs, both beginning today. Over the next several days, coordination with the State of Colorado will continue, and it is likely releases will be gradually increased in order to evacuate flood control storage from these reservoirs.
  • Pool elevations for Bear Creek Dam may approach record levels

    Heavy rains since September 10, have fallen largely downstream of the three Denver-area dams operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District. Small pool rises are expected for Cherry Creek and Chatfield Lakes. Bear Creek Lake, located on Bear Creek Dam on the southwest edge of suburban Lakewood, Colo., has experienced increased inflows from the rainfall. The reservoir pool elevation is expected to approach its record elevation of 5587.1 feet, which occurred in 1995. Pool elevation data for these and other Corps-operated dams can be tracked online at http://www.nwd-mr.usace.army.mil/rcc/plots/plots.html#omaha_plots and are updated hourly.